Tupac Shakur - Thug Angel (tupla-DVD)
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Kunto: Uusi
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Samassa lähetyksessä max. 4 kpl DVD / Blu-ray. Kun teet Toridiili -tarjousta kirjoita viestikenttään kohteiden nimet.
Lähetys myös ilman Toridiiliä kuplamuovikuoressa 5 euroa.
Hip-hop -legenda Tupac Shakurista kertova dokumentti vuodelta 2002. Sisältää paljon harvinaista materiaalia Shakurista, sekä mm. haastatteluja Outlawz jäseniltä ajalta jolloin Shakur vielä oli elossa.
DVD 1:
- Unedited Interview With Tupac At Age 17
- Revealing Interview With Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Tupac's Stepfather And Mentor
- Full-Length Interview And Behind-The-Scenes With Tupac At The Gun Range
- Rare Personal Audio Recordings Of Tupac Talking About All Aspects Of His Life And Career
- Extended Interviews With Shock G And Treach
- Tupac's Personal Reading Library
- Photo Gallery
DVD 2:
- Tupac And Shock G (Digital Underground) Clowning Backstage
- Tupac In The Recording Studio
- Behind The Scenes With Tupac And His Crew On A Video Shoot
- Conversation With Michael Eric Dyson At Eso-Won Books
- Extended Interview With Michael Eric Dyson
- Interview With Treach
- Interview With Johnny "J"
- Interview With Big Syke
- Interview With Atron Gregory
- Complete Uncut Interview With Dr. Mutulu Shakur (Tupac's Stepfather) From Atlanta State Prison
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