Sarjakuva-albumi US 097 Wizards Tale DC
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kuin uusi
DC, 1997
Wizards Tale, kovakantinen, 125 sivua.
Kurt Busiek, Dawid Wenzel
A magical story of redemption, The Wizard's Tale follows the aged Bafflerog Rumplewhisker and his young companion, Muddle, the woodcutter's son, as they embark on a quest to retrieve the magical Book of Worse - a tome that will ensure the land of Ever-Night remains as it is, a dark and gloomy realm of evil. But old Rumplewhisker's heart slowly warms on their journey, and a chance to restore a semblance of goodness to Ever-Night is possible - if he and his young charge can dare face the challenges ahead.
NimikirjoituksetKurt Busiek, Dawid Wnnzel, numeroitu 307/500.
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