Anthropology and other stuff
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Several soft cover science/cross-scientific books. few hardcovers in the mix which are marked with "HC". All in very good condition. Shipping 7e / pick up from Raisio.
Hektner / Schimdt / Csikszentmihalyi : Experience sampling method - Measuring quality of everyday life (2007) 50e
Thomas Hylland Eriksen Small places, large issues 3rd ed - an introduction to social and cultural anthropology (2010) 20e
Lucy Suchman : Human-machine reconfigurations - plans and situated actions 2nd ed. (2007) 30e
Latour / Lepinay : science of passionate interests : introduction to Gabriel Tarde ´s economic anthropology (2009) 10e
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi : Creativity - flow and the psychology of discovery and invention (1997) 14e
James Beebe : Rapid assessment process (2001) 40e
H. Russell Bernard : Research methods in anthropology - qualitive and quantitive approaches 4th ed. (2006) 55e
Graham E. Fuller : a world without Islam (2010) 15e
Helen B. Schwartzman : Ethnography in organizations (1993) 15e
John W. Bennett : the Ecological transition - cultural anthropology and human adaptation (2009) 40e
Horst / Miller : digital anthropology (2012) 15e
Michael S. Gazzaniga - Human - the science behind what makes your brain unique (2008) 15e
Bradd Shore : Culture in mind - cognition,culture and the problem of meaning (1996) some underlinings 20e
Mika Aaltonen : Robustness - anticipatory and adaptive human systems (2010) 30e
Ann T. Jordan : Business anthropology (2003) 20e
Xiaotong Fei : From the soil - the foundations of chinese society (1992) 15e
Robert F. DeVellis : Scale development - theory and applications 2nd ed. (2003) 30e
Richard Sennett : the craftsman (2008) 25e HC
Miles / Huberman : an expanded sourcebook Qualitative Data Analysis (1994) 30e
Ylimaula / Lehtovuori / Isohanni / Vikberg : Urban adventures (2002) 7e
Ernest Barker : Social contract - Locke Hume Rousseau (1962) 20e
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