Brain and Behaviour Psychobiology of Everyday life
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Frank Campbell
Brain and Behaviour: Psychobiology of Everyday Life
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Recent advances in the technology of the biological sciences, psychology and surgery have opened the way for the direct study of the brain and its relationships to behaviour, emotions and moti-vation. This research not only has led to an increased understanding of how the central nervous system is involved in the regulation of normal and abnormal behaviour, but also has shown the vulnerability of the nervous system to the chemical environ-ment. The effects of drug-taking and chemical pollution of the environment, which are considered to be major social problems, have been studied in laboratories.
This book attempts to present some of the findings of this research in 'physiological psychology' or 'psychobiology' in simple language - so that the lay person has an opportunity to become acquainted with the exciting world of brain - behaviour relationships.
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