Duel Masters
Tuotteen kuvaus
Minimiosto 10€, postikulut tarvittaessa, nouto Joensuu
Hurricane crawler S3/S10 175€
Zero Nemesis 61/110 30€
Burnwisp Lizard 64/110 30€
King Triumphant 35/110 10€
Tajimal, Vizier of Aqua
Berochika, Channeler os Suns
Aqua Strummer x2
Mykee's Pliers
Siege Roller Bagash
Ardent Lunatron
Lemik, Vizier of thought
Trenchdive Shark
Crystal Lancer
Aeris, flight elemental
Hunter Cluster x2
Mystic Inscription
Aqua Guard x2
Snake attack
Alek, Solidity Enforcer
Pyrofighter Magnus
Scowling Tomato
Nightmare Invader
Sabermask Scarab
Astronaut Skyterror
Scalpel Spider
Miracle Portal
Enchanted soil
Launch Locust
Snip Striker Bullraizer
Mongrel Man
Aqua Jolter
Cursed Pincher
Feather horn, the Tracker
Proclamation of Death
Bex, the Oracle
Slumber Shell x2
Dark Raven, Shadow of Grief
Fruit of Eternity
Overload Cluster
Rumblesaur Q
Diamond cutter
Roar of the earth
Tri-horn Shepherd
Forest Hornet
Burning Mane
Tornado Flame
Gulan Rias, Speed Guardian
Dream pirate, Shadow of theft
Stinger horn, the Delver
Spiral gate x2
Picoras wrench
Spastic Missile
Yuluk, the Oracle
Steam Star
Garabon, the Glider
Illusory Berry x2
Vacuum Gel
Splash Zebrafish
Carrier Shell x2
Skullcutter, Swarm leader
Legionnaire Lizard
Aqua Shooter x2
Super explosive Volcanodon x2
Liquid Scope
Gregorian Worm
Stained Glass
Sword Butterfly x2
Explosive dude Joe x2
Cannon Shell x2
Milieus, the Daystretcher
Logic Cube
Virtual Tripwire
Critical Blade
Keeper of the Sunlit Abyss
Sundrop armor
Scissor eye
Gulan Rias, speed guardian
Engineer Kipo
Fire sweeper burning Hellion
King Coral
Bone piercer
Leaping Tornado horn
Screaming Sunburst x2
Fear Fang
Whisking Whirlwind
Boomerang Comet
Volcano smog, Deceptive Shade
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