N64 Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kohtalainen
Alusta: Muut pelit
Peli hyvässä kunnossa. Ei ohjekirjaa. Laatikko kuvan mukainen. Laatikossa mukana sisäpahvi.
IGN: 9/10. "one of the best 3D platformers ever created"
The Facts
Classic 2D platformer turn 3D.
45 clever, wildly different levels to play through.
Boss fights connect seamlessly with stages.
Traditional in-level puzzles.
Arsenal of moves includes everything from running and swimming to jumping, skiing and flying.
Story unfolds in real-time with in-game cut-scenes.
Expansion Pak enhanced high-resolution graphics.
Memory Pak compatible.
If you love platformers, you must buy Rayman 2: The Great Escape -- it's that simple. If you mildly enjoy platformers, you must buy the game. Here's why: it's a remarkable 3D platformer that delivers on all ends. Flawless control; huge, stretching worlds; extremely clever puzzles; loads of variety. And it's all brought together with some of the very best graphics yet seen on Nintendo 64. This is a deep, rich platformer that must be experienced.
I've got very few gripes with the title. Perhaps my biggest complaint -- and it's not very significant at all -- is a sometimes-jittery camera system. When I write 'sometimes,' though, what I really mean is 'rarely.' Also, N64's dithering filter is overused here, but only the comic book storeowner in The Simpsons is actually going to care about such a thing, as Rayman 2 looks stunning all the same.
Having played through Rayman 2 extensively, I've no problems recommending it wholeheartedly as one of my favorite games for the console. A brilliant platformer all around that is definitely worth every penny.
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