Fredrik Backman - Anxious People
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kuin uusi
In a small town in Sweden it appears to be an ordinary day. But look more closely, and you'll see a mysterious masked figure approaching a bank...Two hours later, chaos has descended. A bungled attempted robbery has developed into a hostage situation - and the offender is refusing to communicate their demands to the police.Within the building, fear quickly turns to irritation for the seven strangers trapped inside. If this is to be their last day on earth, shouldn't it be a bit more dramatic?But as the minutes tick by, they begin to suspect that the criminal mastermind holding them hostage might be more in need of rescuing than they are...
Weitee: Fredrik Backman
The no. 1 new york times bestseller, now a netflix tv series
ISBN: 9781405930253
Language: Englanti
Weight: 292 grammaa
Published: 2021-08-19
Publisher: Penguin
Pages: 416
Same book 14 EUR
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