Classical Guitar - Jerome Kern - Arranged by John W. Duarte
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Classical Strings
Classical Guitar - Jerome Kern - Arranged by John W. Duarte
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Yesterdays -
The way you look tonight -
They didn't believe me -
All the things are you - Dearly beloved -
Smoke gets in your eyes -
I'm old fashioned -
Can't help lovin' dat man -
Ol' man river -
The folks who live on the hill -
I won't dance -
Long ago and far away
Musical New Services Ltd.
© 1984, Fine condition - 26 pages
The tunes in this book date from the days when, in the 30's to 50's, I was an active exponent of lighter musics. We played them for dancing and we used them as bases for jazz improvisations; anyone who did not have more than 100 of them at his fingertips was not even 'in the game'. They were, too, times when the writing of popular songs was still treated as a work of musical craftmanship and very many of those songs have proved their quality by surviving to the present day, a true definition of
• Quite a few composers wrote a handful of memorable songs but there were also those who wrote a great many; they are honoured in this series of books.
Jazz music proper calls for inflections and rhythmic inequalities that cannot be accurately notated; it is something of a 'foreign language' to the academically reared musician. For this reason I have not arranged these pieces as 'improvisations' but as settings that are tinged with the harmonies of popular music through the 60's and the syncopations that 'hallmark' jazz. The latter may pose problems to the traditionally trained guitarist, not least when notes anticipate strong beats by an eighth-note (quaver), but they belong in this music - and you can't make an omelette without breaking an egg. Play such difficult passages slowly, counting each bar in eight, until you can feel the rhythms. For example, think of the second eighth-note in a segment such as this as being an upbeat note:
Dotted curves indicate left-hand slurs. Straight lines connecting the heads of notes signify a glissando (portamento); those connecting finger-numbers merely indicate guidelines along strings.
John W. Duarte
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