Orchard toysin peli. Mahtava. Hyvää ajanvietettä.
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Merkki: Muut
Peli vaatii CD, DVD soittimen tai vastaavan. Peliin kuuluu levy. Ihana peli vaikka jouluun kun on ehkä aikaa vain olla. Pelissä ohjeet myös suomeksi. Hyvä peli valmistaja. Meillä on lukematon määrä Orchard toysin pelejä.
Jos ostat useita tuotteita niin laitathan viestiä. Muokkaillaan sitten ilmoituksia jottei tule monia Diili Posti maksuja.
4 walls, 4 roofs, 4 doors, 12 windows, 4 keys, 24 picture cards, 1 CD
Listen to the familiar household sounds on the CD and find the
correct picture cards to match the noises. The aim is to be the first
player to build a house by adding a roof, three windows and a
front door and then collect the key to the door.
To play
Each player selects a wall for their house and places it in front
of them. The remaining pieces (roofs, windows, doors and keys)
are spread out, face upwards, in the middle of the table.
The small picture cards are shuffled and six cards are dealt to
each player.
All players then place their picture cards face upwards
alongside their wall.
The CD is played and each player listens for a noise that
matches one of their picture cards.
When a player hears a noise that matches a picture on one of
their cards, they turn that card face downwards and then pick
up a roof, window or door to start building their house.
If the crashing sound of broken crockery is heard, all players
must remove a window, door or roof from their house and put
it back in the middle of the table. They can then turn one of
their picture cards face upwards again to return it to play.
Once a player has completed their house, they must listen for
the sound that matches their last picture card. When a player
hears the correct sound, they pick up a key to win the game.
The winner
The winner is the first player to complete a house, having used up
their six cards and picked up the key to the door.
To get the most play value from the CD, try starting the game on a
different track number every time you play the game, and turning
on the ‘Repeat’ function on your CD player. You
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Viimeksi muokattu: 23.11.2024 klo 21.50 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 16949896