Justice, Truth, Peace / Graham Bannister
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Justice, Truth, Peace,
Graham Bannister painting for the IBA Human Rights Institute
The world rests on three pillars. On Truth, on Justice and on Peace. The three are really one. If Justice is realised, Truth is vindicated and Peace results. Rabban Simeon Ben Gamaliel.
In an exciting new fund-raising project, artist Graham Bannister has created a human rights painting, the proceeds of which will go to the HRI to help fund future projects.
The work shows hands pulling together on ropes to untie the problems of the world. These are the problems where the rule of law, natural justice and fundamental human rights cease to exist as a result of political, economic, social or military pressures. The hands represent human effort and energy exerted in unison. On each pillar are the words Justice Peace and Truth written in the six official languages of the United Nations. Global voices from all corners of the world are represented in the picture, as they are in the membership of the IBA. We believe that this painting reflects the IBA and presents a positive but realistic depiction of the global human rights situation.
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Viimeksi muokattu: 4.12.2024 klo 10.03 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 17438435