Lisää vinyylejä: Spirit, Kinks, Yardbirds, ...
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Lisää vinyylejä: Spirit, Vanilla Fudge, Kinks, Lovin Spoonful, Mott The Hoople, King Crimson, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mahogany Rush, Yardbirds
1. Spirit, Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus, EPIC PE 30267
2. Spirit, Adventures of Kaptain Kopter & Commander Cassidy on Potatoland, Rhino Records RNSP 303, 1981
3. Randy California, Kapt. Kopter and The (Fabulous) Twirly birds, CBS Embassy 31829, 1972
4. Vanilla Fudge, Renaissance, Original Rock Classics, 1968 Atlantis Records, MIDI MID 20 045, vuosi?
5. The Vanilla Fudge, MGM, 1969, 2353 022 SELECT
6. Kinks Greatest hits, Marble Arch, MALS 1403
7. The Kinks, Shape of things to come, 10 " Long Play, PRT, DOW 4, England
8. Lovin Spoonful, Best on The West, 10 " Long Play, PRT, DOW 9, England
9. Mott The Hoople, Foxy Foxy, single, CBS, S 69062, Holland, 1974
10. King Crimson, Beat, EG, 1982
... Lynyrd Skynyrd myyty
12. Mahogany Rush IV, CBS 81417
13. Legend of The Yardbirds Vol. 2, Budget F8 018
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