Posters by Pocs - Plakatok
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Posters by Pocs Plakatok
red or that of the green and red colours which suggest an atmosphere beyond all probabil-ity. The cutting of the pictures is also shot-like: the designer concentrates on the hands of the conductor in the first poster, while in the second one he highlights the legs of the dancing pair. In the third poster an absurd action goes on: the keyboard-teeth of the piano saw off an enormous, purple finger.
The posters, made for Károly Elekes's Exhibition (1986) and the "Hirös" Festival Days of Keskemét (1986), are more plain-like and laconic. The drawings and installations of Elekes, inspired by nature, were sug. gested with thorn-like forms which cleaved into a dark-green background. The contour, inherited from the Japanese, produces the effect of attacking edges. Pócs applied similar means in designing the poster of the "Hirös" Days, however, in this case the drawing of a digger, sticked into the ground, having a plant twining around, is brighter in colours and seems to be idyllic.
Pócs have also tried the means of plastic, monochrome drawing and photo, holding mockery or hidden irony. The seemingly moderate poster of the Stúdió '83 exhibition is actually a hidden irony: a reversible tray advertises the two-parted show, also the still-life can be eaten in two parts and the wrapped up or naked geometrical elements symbolize the works of art and form the emblem of the Young Artists' Studio.
For the exibitions of the sculptor, Zoltán Pál and the ceramic artist, Ágnes Bozsogi
(1985) Pócs employed powerful, suggestive drawings which cause the moderateness of monochromy to be forgotten. The met-ronome, the symbol of measure, nearly swings far out of its scale in the sculptor's poster. In the other one the figurable material
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