Kirja/Book: The sound of mountains by GUEREL SAHIN
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Kirja/Book: The sound of mountains by GUEREL SAHIN
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4:30 in the morning, trekking in the open wilderness of the Alps, 2,900 meters above sea level, storm clouds disappearing behind the nearest mountain, the sun rising--these are the moments when Guerel Sahin captures his best outdoor photographs.
It is perhaps precisely because they are often shot in extreme situations that Sahin's breathtaking mountain panoramas, photographs of mountain lakes, and rugged landscapes are such a social media hit.
GUEREL SAHIN, born in Kaiserslautern, Germany, studied electrical engineering, but quickly realized that it did not make him happy. Instead, he took his camera out to the mountains at every opportunity and came back with sublime photographs.
Today, these images are celebrated by thousands of users on social media, and Guerel is one of the hottest German photographers of his generation. The adventurous freelance photographer resides in Kaiserslautern.
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Viimeksi muokattu: 6.1.2025 klo 10.46 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 18685042