Kingroon KP3S 3D Printer & Filament drier - Tulostin 3D
Tuotteen kuvaus
3D printer I lost interest in.
Been collecting dust for about a year, but all parts works fine.
3D Printing is a fun hobby but comes with a learning curve, if you are not familiar with how to maintain and calibrate a 3d printer please look into it :) There are several videos on youtube etc.
Total included:
- Kingroon 3d printer (Bought new around 200€)
- Filament drier ( bought new around 50€)
- 4 filaments (Yellow, Brown, White, Pink, bought at around 20€ each)
- Cables & Spareparts that came with the purchase :)
Feel free to ask questions
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Viimeksi muokattu: 7.1.2025 klo 23.50 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 18772499
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