New The Fog - Usva (1980) 4K UHD HDR 3 Discs FREE SHIPPING
Tuotteen kuvaus
Original title: The Fog
Finnish title: Usva
Please Note !
- NO Finnish subtitles !
- English subtitles ONLY !
! Huom !
- EI suomenkielisiä tekstejä
- VAIN englanninkieliset tekstit
Following the phenomenal box-office
success of his seminal horror classic
Halloween, director John Carpenter
teamed up with producer Debra Hill for
a second independent horror project,
this time in the mode of an old-fashion-
ed ghost story. The end result was The
Fog, a spooky romp about a dark secret
that returns to haunt the Pacific fishing
community of Antonio Bay on the 100th
anniversary of the town's charter.
Seeming to appear from nowhere and
emitting a ghostly glow, the fog surrounds
a small trawler filled with drunken fisher-
men, who glimpse the vague outline of a
decrepit sailing vessel before being bru-
tally killed by shadowy figures brandish-
ing hooks and swords.
Just as the night's proceedings are haun-
ted by the horrors of the past, the ghosts
of the murdered dead have returned to
seek symbolic revenge by claiming the
lives of six townspeople, arriving amid
the ominous fog bank which has comple-
tely engulfed Antonio Bay.
Similar in style to his Halloween, direc-
tor John Carpenter's The Fog makes for
a sturdy, if unspectacular companion pie-
ce to the 1978 horror classic. Reteaming
with many of that film's principals, inclu-
ding Jamie Lee Curtis, Carpenter and
co-producer/screenwriter Debra Hill at-
tempt to fashion a ghost story with a me-
nacing edge. As in Halloween The Fog's
strengths are courtesy of gut-wrenching
chase scenes that capture the director's
ability to create suspense, atmosphere
and some wonderful jolts. Carpenter's
eerie, pulsing score also helps to ratc-
het up the tension level.
"Bolt your Doors.
Lock your Windows.
There is something in the Fog."
Based on a true story.
Perustuu tositapahtumiin.
Format & Number of Discs
4K UHD HDR10: 1 Disc
Blu-ray: 2 Discs
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Year of The Original Release: 1980
Year of 4K UHD HDR Release: 2019
Blood and gore
Supernatural horror
Ghosts, small-town life
haunted by the past
Fog, ghost-ship, leprosy, fishing-village
revenge, secrets, small-town, village
colonialism, double-cross, robbery
zombie, ancestry, journal
Director: John Carpenter
Tom Atkins
Janet Leigh
Hal Holbrook
Jamie Lee Curtis
Adrienne Barbeau
Year of Release: 1980
Running Time
4K UHD HDR10: 1 h 30 min.
Blu-ray Disc 1: 1 h 30 min.
Blu-ray Disc 2 Bonus Disc: 1 h 56 min.
Rating: - 18 and older -
Picture Quality: 4K UHD HDR10
English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio
Please Note !
- NO Finnish subtitles !
- English subtitles ONLY !
! Huom !
- EI suomenkielisiä tekstejä
- VAIN englanninkieliset tekstit
Studio: AVCO Embassy
Region Codes
4K UHD HDR10: Region free
Blu-ray Disc 1: Region B
Blu-ray Disc 2: Region B
4K UHD HDR10 + 2 x Blu-ray
is NEW and comes in shrinkwrap.
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