Timothy M. Laseter: Balanced Sourcing
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Timothy M. Laseter: Balanced Sourcing - Cooperation and Competition in Supplier Relationships
Kovakantinen 257 sivua.
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There's too much work to be done. Your organization can't handle the load. That's when you begin to consider outsourcing some of your business functions. But how can you choose the right suppliers and ensure maximum results? In this book, Laseter--of the world-renowned consulting firm Booz?Allen & Hamilton--shows companies how to address that challenge through the dynamic pursuit of balanced sourcing.
"This will be a super book to provide to new purchasing people and to reinvigorate experienced purchasing professionals. It was great to see many of the concepts with which we have experimented logically explained. I wholeheartedly endorse it."--Jean Mayer, executive director, manufacturing procurement operations, Ford Motor Company
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