Klara and The Sun Kazuo Ishiguro
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Kunto: Kuin uusi
Klara and The Sun
Kazuo Ishiguro
From the bestselling and Booker Prize winning author of Never Let me Go and The Remains of the Day, a stunning new novel - his first since winning the Nobel Prize in Literature - that asks, what does it mean to love? A thrilling feat of world-building, a novel of exquisite tenderness and impeccable restraint, Klara and the Sun is a magnificent achievement, and an international literary event.
Huom! Painike, joka näyttää koko kuvauksen on pelkästään visuaalinen.
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Viimeksi muokattu: 29.1.2025 klo 21.36 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 19745812