Technica Cochise 120 -laskettelumonot [koko 26,5]
Tuotteen kuvaus
Myydään hyväkuntoiset ja vähän käytetyt vapaalasku-/randomonot pin tech -inserteillä. Monon ulkokuorta muokattu Suksistudiossa pikkuvarpaan kohdalta n. 1mm leveämmäksi, jotta istuvuus olisi mahdollisimman hyvä suomalaiseen jalkaan. Sisäkengät ovat muokkaamattomat ja uudenveroiset.
Last: 99 mm – Performance average fit for people with normal width and volume feet.
C.A.S. Shell – Custom Adaptive Shape shells are anatomically formed around the heel and problem areas at the factory. Common punch zones are plainly marked with a dot grid pattern on the shell, and the new polyether and Triax 3.0 shell materials offer improved stability when heated.
Flex: 120 – A stiff flex for expert or heavier skiers who require quick rebound and ski response.
C.A.S. Ultrafit Pro Liner – Thin and responsive pre-formed liner offers superior performance and fit. Uses a microcell material that is pre-shaped to the anatomy of the foot. The microcell is also easy to customize and has a low pack-out rate over time.
C.A.S. Liner Technology – C.A.S. Technology focuses on the critical fit areas of the foot to achieve an accurate anatomical shape using dual density pre-shaped thermoformed microcell material. This provides a great out-of-the-box fit for enhanced sensitivity and power transmission all while allowing for liner customization.
Hakusanat: laskettelu, laskettelumonot, vapaalasku, vapaalaskumonot, vapaahiihto, vapaahiihtomonot, randonnee, rando, randomonot
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Viimeksi muokattu: 16.3.2025 klo 23.05 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 21752442