Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists Vol. 1 & 2
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kohtalainen
Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists Vol. 1 (A to K) & 2 (L to Z)
ISBN: 0750302852 / 0750302860 / 0750302879
Kustantaja: Institute of Physics Publishing
Kieli: Englanti
Painovuosi: 1994
Sivumäärä: 506 + 569
Sidonta: Sidottu, kovakantinen.
Kunto: Tyydyttävä.
"The Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists: Second Edition, 2 Volume Set examines the lives and careers of noteworthy scientists and thinkers through the ages, illuminating the progress of science and its impact on society in general. From Aristotle and the beginnings of objective observations, to twentieth century giants, Freud and Hawking, this extensive in-depth reference explores the men and women who have shaped our ideas and the world in which we live today.
Extensively revised and updated, this second edition comprises two substantial illustrated volumes that contain over 2,000 biographical entries and over half a million words. It looks and reads like a "Who's Who" of the world of scientific thought, providing an in-depth listing of prominent historical as well as modern figures of science and medicine. The main biographical entries are arranged alphabetically and summarize the individual's life and contribution to science. The volumes also include a chronology of the history of science from 590 BC to the present, a subject index, and a bibliography of key publications in the history of scientific thought. For anyone researching the world of scientific personalities and ideas, this unique reference work will be indispensable."
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