Creature Shock PC Big Box
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Creature Shock PC Big Box.
Setissä mukana itse pelin CD:t ja pahvikotelo, demo-disketti Leijonakuningas + ohjemanuaaliläpyskä.
Pahvikotelossa eniten ajan tuomaa kulumaa, pieniä vaurioita, vanhoja hintatarroja ja yleistä nuhruisuutta.
Levyt kohtuullisessa kunnossa - kosmeettista naarmua ja kulumaa on, mutta toimii. Kotelossa kulumaa ja vaurioita.
Creature Shock is a 1994 sci-fi first-person crawler game released for MS-DOS and 3DO. It was developed by Argonaut Games and published by Virgin Interactive. The game was later ported to the CD-i, Sega Saturn and PlayStation video game systems.
The game was one of the first extensive CD-ROM titles and used full-motion video for both cutscene and interactive portions. It is over a gigabyte in size over two discs. Gameplay is divided into two portions: an on-rails shoot 'em up portion in which the player pilots a ship through various pre-rendered environments and an adventure-style first-person action portion where players chose between track-based paths at various nodes. Its incorrect to call this game a first person shooter since you are not really "shooting" anything. Its all interactive scenes. The denomination "crawler" is more appropriate, since many dungeon "crawlers" from this period use similar technics. "
Asiasanat: retropeli, retro, klassikko, tietokonepelit, tietokonepeli, Creature Shock, PC-peli, 1990-luku
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15 €