New True Lies - Tosi Valheita Blu-ray (1994) - FREE SHIPPING
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TRUE LIES - Tosi Valheita (1994)
Mentiras Arriesgadas NEW Blu-ray
Please Note !
- NO Finnish subtitles !
- English subtitles ONLY !
! Huom !
- EI suomenkielisiä tekstejä !
- VAIN englanninkieliset tekstit !
PLOT - His wife believes Harry is a com-
puter representative, but he is actually a
007 addicted to risky missions. When
the lady is flattered by a man who pre-
tends to be a secret agent, Harry scares
him. When the couple is kidnapped by
some terrorists Harry has to reveal the
woman his real job. The movie is a gre-
at mix of fun, action and family.
This is an action picture, domestic co-
medy and political thriller rolled into a
crowd-pleasing ball of entertainment.
Producer James Cameron wrote and
directed the film Henry Tasker is a work-
aholic computer salesman neglecting
his mousy wife Helen, a legal secretary.
Simon seduces Helen with the lie that
he is a secret agent; he's really a used
car salesman. Harry suspects that He-
len is cheating on him, and he sends a
few colleagues to kidnap them Helen
then discovers that Harry is a secret a-
gent by night, working for a shadowy
grow-up called the Omega Sector.Harry
and his partner Gib are trying to find four
nuclear warheads that have disappeared
from a former Soviet republic.
A cheeky update of action hero films, no-
tably the James Bond series, James Ca-
meron's inventive, exciting opus has an
instantly dated feel, but is so jammed
with tricks up its sleeve it's hard to resist.
Director Cameron packs his emblematic
visual punch into every major set-piece,
including a hair-raising finale involving a
high rise building and a Harrier Jump
Jet.The movie gleefully abandons close
scrutiny almost to the point of sheer fo-
olishness but one could guess this was
the point of the 007 films as well. The
film made even more money than Ca-
meron's previous efforts but was gree-
ted with jeers by both women's groups
and people of Middle Eastern descent
for its unflattering portrayals of both.The
former is evident in a clumsy striptease
performed by co-star Jamie Lee Curtis
that many deemed sexist and unneces-
sary the latter chiding the director for his
representation of Arabs as villainous and
Growing up with True Lies in the 90s
was tons of fun. Its one of Arnolds best
and a great follow up to T2, rejoining
Director James Cameron. However, we
live in a much different time and the the-
mes and language can be insulting to
some. This movie will never see the light
of day with a US release, as Cameran
and studio executives will not sign off
on it. This is the best foreign print we
will get in terms of a blu-ray release,
thanks to our online community who we-
re able to oversee a pristine high quality
print. It just doesn't get better than this.
The disc has an excellent menu scene,
with all the extras (making of, featuret-
tes, etc) that I could remember, great
picture quality - they cleaned up the im-
age without DNRing it to death, it still
has Camerons trademark blue tint fou-
nd in T2 and an amazing DTS 5.1 track
that had clear dialog and bombastic ex-
plosions. Highly recommended and the
best import I ever purchased!You should
get it before it sells out.
"A very enterntaining film, yes indeed."
"Arnold Goes James Bond."
Helen Tasker:
- "Have you ever killed anyone?"
Harry Tasker:
- "Yeah, but they were all b-a-d."
"People think I've stopped lying,
but I've just got better at it."
"I Married Rambo !"
"You're Fired."
Directed by: James Cameron
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jamie Lee Curtis
Year Of Release: 1994
Running Time: 2 h 21 min.
Action, spy film, action co-
medy, action thriller, crime
Double life, terrorism,
crumbling marriages
Con/scam, deception, es-
pionage, love, terrorism
English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio
Please Note !
- NO Finnish subtitles !
- English subtitles ONLY !
! Huom !
- EI suomenkielisiä tekstejä !
- VAIN englanninkieliset tekstit !
Region Code: A, B (Europe), C
Studio: 20th Century Fox Film
NEW BLU-RAY is shrinkwrapped.
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