Gary Wiren: The PGA Manual of Golf
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Kunto: Kohtalainen
Gary Wiren: The PGA Manual of Golf
Alaotsikko: The Professional's Way to Play Better Golf
ISBN: 0025992910
Kustantaja: Macmillan Publishing Company
Kieli: Englanti
Painovuosi: 1991.
Sivumäärä: 451.
Sidonta: Sidottu, kovakantinen kansipaperein.
Kunto: Tyydyttävä.
Muuta: Kansipapereissa selkeää kulumaa ja nuhruisuutta
"The PGA Manual of Golf is the PGA's exclusive and exhaustive encyclopedia on how to play golf. It includes everything from how to hit the longest drive to how to sink those eight-foot putts. There are complete sections on the history of the game, special shots, course strategies, equipment, the player's mental approach, and more. Great golfers talk about their special techniques and practice habits, with photos illustrating what works and doesn t, and how any player can learn from past mistakes. The book is fully illustrated with dozens of sequence shots, line drawings, and schedules of practice drills to help all golfers improve their game the PGA way. It's all the imaginable golfing questions covered in one book, and it's endorsed and used by the teaching pros on the PGA. Dr. Gary Wiren, one of only eighty PGA Master Professionals in the United States, is one of them. "
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