Adventures in Pompom Land - 25 Cute Projects Made from Handmade Pompoms
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Adventures in Pompom Land - 25 Cute Projects Made from Handmade Pompoms
Myko Diann Bocek
Lark Books 2013 - 127 sivua
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Enter the wonderful land of pompoms, where cute critters and creative adventures await you. All the projects in this unique collection begin with handmade, not pre-purchased, pompoms, and every step is beautifully laid out with easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of images. Crafters can then create 25 charming creatures—from a sweet little bluebird to a lop-eared bunny—out of wool yarn, roving, and felt. It's fun to do and every project is off-the-charts adorable!
Hakusanoja tupsut tupsu käsityö kirja lanka pom pom pehmolelut maskotti maskotit tupsumaskotit pom-pom
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