Play4GMP - boardgame
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Uusi
Play4GMP - lautapeli
Lundén / Ellow ab 2011
Kunto: uusi, muoveissa
Nouto tai postitus (toridiilillä tai ilman).
The GMP board game that tests and improves your GMP compliance, knowledge, attitude and awareness! Play4GMP® is a fun, challenging, and interactive learning game for team members with diverse GMP experience and knowledge. Play4GMP® will reveal all you know, and don’t know about GMP, but in the end all participants have gained knowledge that improves the team attitude and awareness, necessary for GMP compliance. Even though Play4GMP® is fun and amusing, it is also a professional learning tool to establish and enhance the knowledge of GMP.
No of players: 2-4 teams of 1-4 participants
Playing time: With 4 teams 1-3 hours depending on what winning conditions you choose Challange questions in the categories: Qualification & validation, Quality management, Laboratory and Production. News cards with Good news, Bad news, Questions and Major issues
Dimension: Board 480x480 mm
Language: English
Publisher: Key2Compliance AB
hakusanoja boardgame for GMP training Pharmaceuticals farmaseutti apteekki lääkeala lääkkeet peli play play4 4 laadunvarmistus fimea lääke valmistus lääkevalmistus farmasia opetuspeli oppimateriaali opetus materiaali english
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