Highly Intuitive People - Heidi Sawyer
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Highly Intuitive People
Heidi Sawyer
7 Right-Brain Traits to Change the Lives of Intuitive-Sensitive People
USA $18.99
Publisher's Price Varies in Other Countries
Do you struggle with small talk and prefer deep conversation?
Are you extremely sensitive to other people's moods?
Do people describe you as highly perceptive?
Are you exhausted after being in busy places?
If you've answered 'yes' to any of the above questions, you may be a Highly Intuitive Person: someone who is especially sensitive to the energy of others. Highly Intuitive People, also known as Intuitive-Sensitives, are a refined group of sensitive people who are said to make up 15-20 per cent of the population. They experience their world through the deeper senses, generally have a calm persona, care deeply for other people, are very perceptive and are often described as extremely wise and knowing.
Based on Heidi Sawyer's 17 years of experience,
Highly Intuitive People provides a guide for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed as a result of their natural intuitive abilities and wants to know how they got them, what they're for and how best to use them. This book will help you to understand your talents and how to unleash them in an empowering way for deep self-development.
The techniques in this book have already helped thousands of Intuitive-Sensitives to discover and develop their incredible gifts.
This is a must-read for those who are driven to understand the deeper meaning and purpose of their life.
HEIDI SAWYER is known worldwide for her work with intuition and the human mind.
As an author and speaker, she helps people with their self-esteem and self-image through intuitive development at workshops, online courses and her supportive membership Circle.
ISBN: 978-1-78180-476-6
51 899
781781 804766
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