Kirja US 123 TRUEBrit, Henkilöt, Historia
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kuin uusi
TwoMorrows Publishing, 2004
TRUEBrit The History Of British Comic Art, pehmeäkantinen, 204 sivua.
George Khoury, eri tekijöitä.
True Brit celebrates the rich history of British comic book artists with a wide selection of breathtaking art, photographs and in-depth interviews with the men who have transformed the comics field to the sensation it is today! From classic bestsellers like Watchmen to current sensation The Ultimates, the artists of England have revolutionized the way comics are seen and perceived. This is the definitive book on British comics artists, where the creators describe how their art has evolved and how it has affected and changed the industry. Here, in their own words and images, are the influential artists whose images and stories have sold millions of comics.
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