Tom Sharpe paperbacks x 14 (price for all)
Tuotteen kuvaus
Total price for all 14 paperbacks: 15,00 EUR
Postitus tai nouto Mankkaa Espoo.
Piemburg, South Africa series:
Riotous Assembly (1971)
Porterhouse Blue series:
Porterhouse Blue (1974)
Grantchester Grind (1995)
Wilt series:
Wilt (1976)
The Wilt Alternative (1979)
Wilt on High (1984)
Wilt in Nowhere (2004)
The Wilt Inheritance (2010)
Other novels:
Blott on the Landscape (1975)
The Great Pursuit (1977)
The Throwback (1978)
Ancestral Vices (1980)
Vintage Stuff (1982)
The Midden (1996)
The (year) indicates the year when the book was first published.
Thomas Ridley Sharpe (1928 – 2013) was an English satirical novelist, best known for his Wilt series, as well as Porterhouse Blue and Blott on the Landscape, all three of which were adapted for television.
Englanninkieliset pokkarit, englanninkielisiä kirjoja, English books, Books in english
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