Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Arthur C. Clarke - 3001 The Final Odyssey, 7e
Charles Stross - The Atrocity Archives, 6e
Charles Stross - Singularity Sky, 7e
Greg Bear - Legacy, 7e
Joe Haldeman - Camouflage, 6e
Joe Haldeman - Peace and War Omnibus (sis. Forever War, Forever Free ja Forever Peace), 18e
Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars, 7e
Neal Asher - Skinner, 7e
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash, 8e
Richard Morgan - Broken Angels, 8e
Richard Morgan - Market Forges, 8e
Richard Morgan - Woken Furies, 8e
Scott Westerfeld - Parasite Positive, 6e
Sylvain Neuvel - Sleeping Giants, 7e
Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in the Sky, 8e
Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep, 8e
Vernor Vinge - Across Realtime, 7e
Alfred Bester - The Stars My Destination
Dan Simmons - Endymion
Dan Simmons - The Rise of Endymion
Dan Simmons - The Fall of Hyperion
Joe Haldeman - Forever War
Richard Morgan - Altered Carbon
Peter Watts - Blindsight
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