Disco vinyylit
Tuotteen kuvaus
Oikeaa 70-luvun discoa vinyyleinä. Postikulut lisätään. Kunnot vinyyleissä vg+, jos ei muuta ole mainittu. Kansien isoimmat puutteet on listattu. Myytäessä tarkistetaan kunnot ja raportoidaan ennen kauppaa. Luettelon tiedot: hinta, esittäjä, albumi, julkaisuvuosi, levykoodi, mahdollinen kuntohavainto tai muu tieto
8e Fire And Ice Fire And Ice 1979 FLY-3110
5e Brooklyn Dreams Brooklyn Dreams 1977 MNLP 8002 MINT - avaamaton muoveissa
3e Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 1977 9101149
3e Patrick Juvet Lady Night 1979 NBLP 7148
2e 5000 Volts 5000 Volts 1976 9 109 215
4e Amii Stewart Paradise Bird 1979 SW 50072
2e Baccara Light My Fire 1978 PL 28330 VG, suomi-painos, hiusnaarmuja, jokunen kuuluu myös
4e Boney M. Oceans Of Fantasy 1979 200 888-I
5e Brooklyn Dreams Brooklyn Dreams 1977 MNLP 8002 MINT - avaamaton muoveissa
2e Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch 1977 APA-77001, LP—77001
4e Dan Hartman Instant Replay 1978 83265, SKY 83265, S SKY 83265
5e David Dundas David Dundas 1977 CHR 1141
5e Dennis Parker Like An Eagle 1979 DS 4046
5e Disco Tex & His Sex-O-Lettes Disco Tex & The Sex-O-Lettes Review 1975 CHL 505, CHL505
2e Disco Tex & His Sex-O-Lettes Featuring Sir Monti Rock III Manhattan Millionaire 1976 CHL 516
5e Eruption Leave A Light 1979 K 50595, K50595
5e Eruption Featuring Precious Wilson Eruption 1977 25 721 OT
4e Gene Farrow Move Your Body 1978 MAG 5024
5e Giorgio Moroder And Chris Bennett Love's In You, Love's In Me 1978 NBLP 7104
2e Kelly Marie Do You Like It Like That? 1980 CABLP 1003
3e Leif Garrett Feel The Need 1978 K 50535
5e Liquid Gold Liquid Gold 1980 DS 4102, DS4102
2e Luisa Fernandez Disco Darling 1978 WB 56 537
5e Mick Jackson Mick Jackson 1979 K 50605
4e Nick Straker Band Smash Singles 1982 TRIX-LP 102, TRIX LP 102
6e Nuggets N.Y. With Proud Mary 1979 6.23782
7e Ottawan Greatest Hits 1981 CAL 132
3e Patrick Juvet Lady Night 1979 NBLP 7148
2e Paul Jabara Keeping Time 1978 NBLP 7102
3e Peter Brown Stargazer 1979 TKR 83354, Drive 108
4e Rick Dees & His Cast Of Idiots Disco Duck 1977 2 394 181
3e Santa Esmeralda Starring Leroy Gomez Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 1977 9101149
2e Silver Convention Love In A Sleeper 1978 2 382 086
4e Teri DeSario Moonlight Madness 1979 NBLP 7178
2e The Broadway Brass Takes Guys And Dolls Disco 1976 T 514
4e The DeFranco Family Featuring Tony DeFranco Save The Last Dance For Me 1974 T-441
3e The Michael Zager Band Let's All Chant 1978 PVLP 1042
3e Tina Charles Tina Sings 1977 MAME 3001, OC 052-98 625
4e Tina Charles Dance Little Lady... Dance 1981 SHM 3047
3e Ultimate Ultimate 1979 NBLP 7128
3e Viola Wills If You Could Read My Mind 1980 203 183
7e A Taste Of Honey A Taste Of Honey 1978 7C 062-85512
2e Bell & James Bell & James 1978 SP-4728
6e Carl Douglas Love Peace And Happiness 1977 NSPL 18520
3e Carl Douglas Keep Pleasing Me 1978 NSPL 18552
3e Carol Douglas Midnight Love Affair 1976 BKL1-1798
5e Carol Douglas Come Into My Life 1979 MSI 007 mint, avaamaton
5e Carrie Lucas Street Corner Symphony 1978 BXL1-2773
4e Carrie Lucas Portrait Of Carrie 1980 BXL1-3579
4e Crown Heights Affair Foxy Lady 1976 DEP 2021
7e Crown Heights Affair Sure Shot 1980 SOSLP 012
20e Delegation The Promise Of Love 1977 SB 010
5e Detroit Emeralds Let's Get Together 1978 K 50452
14e Direct Current Direct Current 1979 TEC #159
3e Donna Summer I Remember Yesterday 1977 NBLP 7056
3e Edwin Starr H.A.P.P.Y. Radio 1979 6 370 292
12e El Coco Let's Get It Together 1976 AVL 6006
7e Fern Kinney Groove Me 1979 U 99076
5e Finished Touch Need To Know You Better 1978 M7-906R1
8e Fire And Ice Fire And Ice 1979 FLY-3110
1e First Choice So Let Us Entertain You 1976 BS 2934 VG, naarmuja, B-puoli parempi kuin A
3e Foxy Get Off 1978 Dash 30005
1e Foxy Hot Numbers 1979 Dash 30010
4e Gene Chandler Get Down 1978 6 370 280
1e Gloria Gaynor Experience Gloria Gaynor 1975 2 315 344 VG, naarmuja
2e Gloria Gaynor I Have A Right 1979 2 391 426
5e Gypsy Lane Predictions 1978 DRIVE 106
5e Hamilton Bohannon Insides Out 1975 840 076
8e Hamilton Bohannon Bohannon 1975 DK 76917
3e Hamilton Bohannon Gittin' Off 1976 840 117 VG, vähän pieniä napsuja, ei alkuperäistä kantta
6e Hamilton Bohannon Cut Loose 1979 9 111 017
7e Hi-Tension Hi-Tension 1978 ILPS 9564
8e J.A.L.N. Band Life Is A Fight 1976 MAG 5017
6e J.A.L.N. Band Movin' City High 1978 064 CRY 61 972
8e Jackie Moore I'm On My Way 1979 CBS 83786
5e James Gilstrap Love Talk 1976 RLX 105
5e Jimmy James & The Vagabonds I'll Go Where Your Music Takes Me 1976 PYE 12137
8e Kellee Patterson All The Things You Are 1979 SB-013
4e Linda Clifford Let Me Be Your Woman 2LP 1979 2 658 130
5e Maxine Nightingale Right Back Where We Started From 1976 UAG 29953
2e Maxine Nightingale Lead Me On 1979 BXL 1-3404
5e Mighty Pope Sway 1979 RFC 3310
9e Olympic Runners Don't Let Up 1976 PS 668
2e Revanche Music Man 1979 SD 19245 VG, B puolella pitkä kevyt naarmu, kuuluu taustalla välillä
2e Ritz Puttin' On The Ritz 1979 EPC 83769 VG, rahinaa jonkin verran
17e Roundtree Roller Disco 1979 ILPS 9527
4e Shirley & Company Shame Shame Shame 1975 VI-128
10e Sweet Cream Sweet Cream & Other Delights 1978 SB-011
3e Tasha Thomas Midnight Rendezvous 1979 SD 19223
2e The Ritchie Family Brazil 1975 6 316 068
2e The Ritchie Family Arabian Nights 1976 MARLIN 2201
4e The Ritchie Family Bad Reputation 1979 DS 4050
2e The Ritchie Family Give Me A Break 1980 DS 4085, DS4085
5e The Walter Murphy Band A Fifth Of Beethoven 1976 PVLP 1009
3e Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony Disco Baby 1975 9 109 004
3e Various Hustle Hits 1975 DEP-2019
3e Various Get Down And Boogie 1976 NBLP 7042
7e Various Starship (The De-Lite Superstars) 2LP 1977 DE-4004
3e Various Steppin' Out 1977 BKL1-2423
2e Various Downtown Disco Party 1978 MCF 2866
2e Various Boogie Bus 1979 9 198 174
3e Various And The Beat Goes On And On And On... 1980 PL 43429
12 tuumaiset maksit:
2e Sun Radiation Level 1979 8510
2e Sweet Cream Do A Dance For Love 1978 SD12-005 jälkiä, hiusnaarmuja, OK
7 tuumaiset sinkut, kansissa vaihtelevaa kuntoa
1e Anita Ward Don't Drop My Love 1979 TKR 7561
2e Dynamic Superiors Nowhere To Run 1977 M 1419F
7e Gloria Gaynor Never Can Say Goodbye 1975 2006463 kreikka-painos
2e Kandidate Don't Wanna Say Goodnight 1978 1C 006-61 414
1e Karen Young Hot Shot 1978 15 847 AT VG, pieni naarmu
7e Maxine Nightingale Right Back Where We Started From 1975 CBS 4176 kreikka-painos
2e Peaches & Herb Roller-Skatin' Mate (Part I+II) 1979 2 095 148
4e People's Choice / Bob & Earl Do It Anyway You Wanna / Harlem Shuffle 1988 1945-7
1e Revanche You Get High In N.Y.C. 1979 3603
2e Sergio Mendes & Brasil '88 Let It Go / Magic Lady 1979 E-46618
1e Soulful Dynamics Lady From Amsterdam / Zon-Gele-Zor 1973 D 29 212
1e Soulful Dynamics Shake Shake Shake 1977 0030.064
2e The Fatback Band Love In Perfect Harmony 1979 SP 3005
1e The Heart And Soul Orchestra Love In C Minor 1977 NB 876
1e The Hues Corporation I'll Take A Melody 1975 RCA 2514
1e The Imperials Do What I Gotta Do 1978 PX 274
1e The Stylistics Can't Give You Anything (But My Love) 1975 6 105 039
1e The Stylistics Na-na Is The Saddest Word 1975 6 105 041
2e The Supremes I'm Gonna Let My Heart Do The Walking 1976 1C 006-97 769
1e The Three Degrees Get Your Love Back 1974 PIR 2737
1e The Three Degrees The Runner 1979 100 301
2e War Why Can't We Be Friends? 1975 35 836 A
1e War The Music Band 2 (We Are The Music Band) 1979 MCA 41158
2e Wild Cherry Baby Don't You Know 1976 EPC 4911
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LP Eri esittäjiä – Rock And Rhythm: Original 50’s Recordings (1978)
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