Uusi The Dead 60s CD (2005) - Ilmainen Toimitus
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The Dead 60s:
The Dead 60s (2005) UUSI
The very name of the Dead 60s teleg-
raphs the aesthetic of the Liverpudlian
quartet - they's sick of living in the sha-
dow of '60s rock & roll culture, they want
to tear down those giants and create their
own icons. It's a sentiment not far remov-
ed from Joe Strummer's exhortation of
"No Elvis Beatles and the Rolling Stones
in 1977!," but he sang that in 1977, befo-
re Elvis died, seven years after the Beat-
les breakup, and when "Jumpin' Jack
Flash" wasn't even ten years old. The
Dead 60s released their eponymous de-
but album in 2005 - nearly 30 years after
the Clash released their debut. But where
the Clash preached revolution, the Dead
60s practice tradition, using the punk of
the late '70s as a sacred text, never da-
ring to deviate from what was done befo-
re. They may synthesize, though: often,
the band sounds like Joe Jackson front-
ing the Clash or the Specials, as they al-
ternate between strident three-chord ant-
hems and elastic dub-inspired punk-reg-
gae. It's an appealing sound and the band
is not only tight, but they're reasonably
good songwriters, too, on both the rock-
ers and spooky, spacy reggae. Neverthe-
less, the entire enterprise seems a little
too tasteful and respectful, as if the group
were so concerned with getting it right,
they're reluctant to let loose. Plus, there's
that nagging question of how does a band
whose very name tears down one era of
rock get away with fetishizing another ti-
me from the distant past, it makes it seem
as if the Dead 60s are living in the past
instead of moving forward, and their al-
bum, as enjoyable as it is, doesn't dispel
that notion. It's kind of like listening to the
Stray Cats in 1982 - they recreated the
glory days of Carl Perkins and Gene Vin-
cent, keeping rockabilly alive 26 years af-
ter its heyday. The Dead 60s do the same
thing with punk but there's not only a gre-
ater distance between them and punk
than there was between the Stray Cats
and rockabilly. The Dead 60s are good
musicians and their basic sound is good,
even if it is heavily indebted to punk and
ska revival. But then again, that's what
their sound is all about.
"Mikäli pitää The Clashin, Joe Jacksonin
tai The Policen varhaisista levytyksistä on
vaikea olla pitämättä The Dead 60s:stä."
"Erittäin hyvä levy."
Rock, pop rock, punk revival,
dub rock, new wave, ska
01. Riot Radio 2:24
02. A Different Age 1:34
03. Nowhere 3:12
04. Red Light 3:07
05. Just Another Love Song 3:11
06. Control This 2:40
07. Loaded Gun 2:47
08. Nationwide 2:19
09. We Get Low 3:42
10. Horizontal 1:57
11. New Town Disaster 3:07
12. The Last Resort 2:56
13. You're Not The Law 2:54
Julkaisuvuosi: 2005
Levy-yhtiö: Deltasonic
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