Oxford AQA History for A Level: The Crisis of Comm
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kuin uusi
Myydään erinomainen historian oppikirja. Kirjaa käytetään muun muassa IB historian opinnoissa. Lisäksi kirjaa voi käyttää ihan oppimiseen historiaa.
The Crisis of Communism: The USSR and the Soviet Empire 1953-2000 has been approved by AQA and matched to the new 2015 specification. This textbook explores in-depth a period of the practice and demise of Soviet communism. It focuses on key ideas such as de-Stalinisation, 'people power', leadership and legitimacy, and covers events and developments with precision. Students can further develop vital skills such as historical interpretations and source analyses via specially selected sources and extracts. Practice questions and study tips provide additional support to help familiarise students with the new exam style questions, and help them achieve their best in the exam.
IB, history, books, historia, kirja, oppikirja, lukio
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