Kirja US 151 R. Crumb Coffee Table Art, Henkilö
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Kitchen Sink Press, 1997
The R. Crumb Coffee Table Art Book HC
- Crumb's Whole Career, From Shack To Chateau!, kovakantinen, 250 sivua.
Robert Crumb
This is more or less a career encompassing anthology of Crumbs work. You get a taste of every faze he went through. From the early cutesy fuzzy bunny work, the LSD influenced stuff, his sexual fetishs and hangups, the neurotic self loathing introspection, his "counterculture" parody and satire, etc. There is some of every facet of Crumbs work in this along with several interesting handwritten pages where he reflects on his art and comic influences and how he evolved as an artist. He also talks about his love of music and the stages in life that he went through. Overall this would be an ideal introductory book to pick up to check out Crumb.
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