Cold: A James Bond thriller - John Gardner
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Cold: A James Bond thriller
John Gardner
James Bond begins the mission that will become an obsession the night that Flight 229 is torn apart at Washington airport, killing 435 passengers. But the victim who matters to Bond is the Principessa Sukie Tempesta: once his lover, still his friend.
The search for Sukie's killers will turn out to be the most complex and demanding assignment of Bond's career. Across continents and through ever-changing labyrinths of evil, he follows the traces of clues into the centre of a fanatical society more deadly than any terrorist army.
Its code name is
John Gardner's gripping James Bond novels include
SeaFire, Never Send Flowers, Goldeneye (based on a screenplay by Jeffrey Calne and Bruce Feirstein fram a story by Michael France) and Death Is Forever - they are all aveliable as Coronet paperbacks:
Fiction: General
Cover illustration by David Scutt
ISBN 0-340-65766-9
0059 9
UK £5.99
Canada $8.99
Australia $14.95
9 780340 657669
The book is in English
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