Beginning Ballet: From the Classroom to the Stage - Joan Lawson
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Beginning Ballet: From the Classroom to the Stage - Joan Lawson
113 sivua
Kunto: selän yläosassa nirhauma, sivuiltaan siisti, kannessa pieni raapustus kuulakynällä
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Publishers Description: Beginning Ballet is an essential first book for ballet students and their parents. Based on two short earlier books, this editions is newly edited and revised. Beginning Ballet is a guide to technique, vocabulary and practice in class as well as to the costumes required for class and stage--what to wear and how to make it. Joan Lawson also provides invaluable advice to parents on how to seek ballet training for their child. The book is illustrated throughout by the remarkable drawings of technique by Kay Ambrose and of costume--with many pattern charts--by Peter Revitt. Beginning Ballet is designed to be of practical assistance to boys and girls deciding to attend a ballet school as well as a reference for those who are attending classes. For teachers, the selection of steps, exercises and the drawings of basic poses shown are adapted from a system which has proved to be a successful one and which includes steps and information from various well-known methods of dancing
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