Akkutesteri autometer bva-2100
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kuin uusi
Markkinoiden paras ja kattavin HD akkutesteri. Tällä pystyy testaamaan myös laturit, startit ja muut isovirtaiset ajoneuvon sähköjärjestelmät. 6V, 12V ja 24V järjestelmät. Virtaclampit yms mukaan kuten uutenakin. Tämä kuormittaa akun 400A todellisella kuormalla ja antaa akkujen kunnosta raportin. Todella arvokas laite uutena suomeen tuotuna tullien ja verojen jälkeen.
Valmistajan sivuilta:
The BVA-2100 is the ultimate electrical system tester specifically designed for the Heavy Duty market. Through the use of state of the art digital circuitry and a 400 amp True Load system , the BVA-2100 delivers the word's most accurate, reliable, and fastest testing results for batteries, charging systems, starting systems, and voltage drop testing for heavy duty applications.
Feature Points:
Accurately pinpoints electrical system problems (battery, starter, alternator, wiring, and connections).
Advanced patented Digital Pulse Load (DPL) technology, allowing operators to rapidly measure a battery’s ability to provide adequate cranking power necessary to start the vehicle without the need for time consuming manual electrical system load tests.
Automatically applies a known significant load directly through the tester connections allowing for a more rapid and accurate test of the vehicle’s battery, starter, and charging system by the operator.
Patented V-Drop technology automates the measurement of voltage drop in the charging circuit during starter engagement to ensure vehicle systems are operating at peak performance. Guides the operator through the diagnosis process if an issue is detected.
Includes internal battery charger, inductive amp clamp, and external volt leads.
Includes two separate and specific options for automotive and heavy-duty truck applications.
Quickly and accurately tests nearly all 6V and 12V batteries and battery banks up to 4 batteries and 24V (including AGM).
Features liftgate testing - using AutoMeter's truck/trailer adapters, the BVA-2100 quickly isolates exact truck or trailer electrical system issues before they become a problem.
No external power required - runs on rechargeable 6V SLA batt
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Viimeksi muokattu: 10.11.2024 klo 8.08 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 14084604