Fender Blues Junior-kitaravahvistin VARATTU
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Myydään Fender Blues Junior 3. Aiemmista versioista paranneltu versio. Ollut 10 vuotta lähes käyttämättömänä. Hyväkuntoinen, kaikki toimii. Taattua Fenderin putkivahvistinlaatua. Ostokuitti löytyy. Ovh oli v.2011 566€ (nykyään näiden hinta on noussut reippaasti).
Mukaan saa Fenderin jalkakytkimen (lisävaruste), jolla kytketään FAT-switch päälle/pois.
Ei vaihtotarpeita, nouto ja testimahdollisuus Tampereella.
The re-designed Fender Blues Junior III is a great choice for someone who wants clean, fat Fender sounds in a small package.
The Fender Hot Rod line of guitar amplifiers has achieved cult-like status in recent years, with no amp being more highly regarded than the beloved Blues Junior. This diminutive beast packs quite a punch into its 30 lb package. The amp has been a favorite for the amp modding community for some time, and Fender has decided to incorporate some of the most popular mods into the amp straight from the factory.
The Fender Blues Junior III is a 15 watt tube amplifier with a 12″ speaker designed by Eminence. The preamp is powered by 3 12AX7 tubes and the power amp by 2 EL84 tubes. The rectifier is solid state. A single channel amplifier, there are controls for volume (gain), treble, bass, middle, master volume, reverb, and FAT boost switch. Weighing in at around 31 lbs, the amp sports blackface style black/silver grille cloth and black vinyl covering in traditional Fender styling.
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