Rock / Heavy vinyylilevyjä - 25%
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Yli 100e ostoihin vähennetään hinnasta - 25%
Hienokuntoisia vinyylejä tarjolla kohtuu hinnoin
levyt kuvaan ja kunnon tarkistan ennen kauppoja
38 Special (2) - Rockin' Into The Night
1979 8€
Airdash - Thank God It's Monday
1988 Finland 25€
The Angels From Angel City* - Beyond Salvation
1990 Italy 15€
Arthur Brown - Requiem
1982 UK 15€
Autograph - Loud And Clear
1987 US 15€
Autograph - Sign In Please
1984 Europe 15€
Autograph - That's The Stuff
1985 Europe 15€
Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Best Of B.T.O. (So Far)
Canada 5€
Bad Company - Fame And Fortune
1986 UK & Europe 10€
Bad English - Bad English
1989 Europe 20€
Badding Rockers - Rock'N'Roll Keijukainen
1987 Finland 40€
Barza - Helena
12", Single
1986 Finland 20€
The Beatles - 1967-1970
21985 Germany 25€
Black Oak Arkansas - Raunch 'N' Roll Live
1973 US 10€
Black Oak Arkansas - The Best Of Black Oak Arkansas
1977 US 10€
Blackfoot - Vertical Smiles
1984 Europe 10€
Blue Cheer - Blue Cheer
1982 Germany 15€
Britny Fox - Boys In Heat
1989 Europe 15€
Bullet Boys - Bullet Boys
1988 UK & Europe 20€
Cats In Boots - Kicked & Klawed
1989 Europe 20€
The Charlie Daniels Band - Powder Keg
1987 US 5€
The Charlie Daniels Band - Windows
1982 Canada 5€
Chinawite - Run For Cover
1984 Belgium 15€
Colosseum II - Strange New Flesh
1986 UK 15€
The Cult - Electric
1987 UK 20€
Dagger (2) - Not Afraid Of The Night
1985 Canada 20€
Death Angel - Frolic Through The Park
1988 Europe 20€
The Dictators - Go Girl Crazy!
1975 UK 25€
Dokken - Back For The Attack
1987 US 15€
Don Johnson - Heartbeat
1986 UK 5€
Doora - Peikkona Läpi Elämän
1986 Finland 5
Dun-Delion - Haukkaa Henkeä
1990 Finland 20€
Easy Action - Easy Action
1983 Sweden 10€
Electric Sun - Beyond The Astral Skies
1985 UK 10€
Europe - Out Of This World
1988 Europe 10€
Exumer - Rising From The Sea
1987 Germany 25€
Five Fifteen - The Ohms Law
1991 Finland 25€
Foghat - Foghat
1972 US 20€
Frank Marino - Juggernaut
1982 Europe 15€
Free - Completely Free
1982 UK 10€
Freud Marx Engels & Jung - Rintaan Pistää, Sukat Haisee, Enkä Pidä Jeesuksesta
1986 Finland 25€
The Fucking World - The Fucking World
1988 Finland 20€
G.B.H. - No Need To Panic
1987 UK 15€
Gamma - Gamma 2
1980 Canada 5€
Gamma - Gamma 3
1982 Germany 10€
Gary Glitter - C'Mon...C'Mon - The Gary Glitter Party Album
1987 UK 10€
The Georgia Satellites - Open All Night
1988 US 10€
Giddyups - Seasons Of The Shake
1987 Finland 10€
Gillan - Magic
1982 Finland 10€
Girl - Sheer Greed
1980 UK 20€
Girl - Wasted Youth
1982 UK 20€
Godfathers* - Hit By Hit
1986 UK 5€
The Godz - Nothing Is Sacred
1979 Germany 10€
The Golden Earring* - Eight Miles High
1982 Germany 10€
Grand Funk Railroad - Born To Die
1976 US 10€
Grand Funk Railroad - Closer To Home
1980 US 15€
Grand Funk* - Survival
1980 Germany 15€
Grateful Dead* - In The Dark
1987 US 30€
Great White - ... Twice Shy
1989 US 30€
Gringos Locos - Punch Drunk
1989 Finland 10€
The Grip - Be Yourself
1988 UK 10€
Guitar Pete's Axe Attack - Nitemare
1986 US 15€
Hanoi Rocks - Two Steps From The Move
1984 Finland 40€
Havana Blacks* - Faceless Days
1987 Finland 20€
Hawkwind - Anthology Volume I
1986 UK 20€
Hawkwind - Anthology Volume II
1986 UK 25€
Hawkwind - Hawkwind
1984 UK 25€
Hawkwind - Masters Of The Universe
1982 UK 20€
Hawkwind - Out & Intake
1987 UK 20€
Hear 'n Aid* - Hear 'n Aid (An All-Star Album For Famine Relief)
1986 Europe 15€
Heart - Bad Animals
1987 Europe 10€
Hearthill - Hearthill
1988 Finland 10€
Heavy Metal Kids - Chelsea Kids
1987 UK 15€
Hector - Hector
1987 Finland 10€
Hector - Herra Mirandos
1976 Finland 20€
Hector - Kadonneet Lapset
1978 Finland 15€
Hector - Linnut, Linnut!
1980 Finland 15€
Hector - Masters
1986 Finland 10€
Hector - Nuku Idiootti
1987 Finland 10€
Heinz And The Wild Boys - That's The Way It Was
1986 UK 15€
Helix - No Rest For The Wicked
1983 Europe 10€
Helix - Walkin' The Razor's Edge
1984 Europe 10€
Helix - Wild In The Streets
1987 Europe 10€
Herman Ze German And Friends* - Herman Ze German And Friends
1985 Europe 4€
Icon - Right Between The Eyes
1989 Europe 20€
IQ - Nomzamo
1987 UK 15€
Ironcross - Too Hot To Rock
1986 Finland 35€
Irwin Goodman - Irwin Goodman
1987 Finland 20€
Irwin* - Rentun Ruusu
1988 Finland 15€
Eve* - Eve
1985 Finland 10€
Jeff Beck Featuring Rod Stewart - The Best Of Jeff Beck (1967-69)
Netherlands 10€
Jethro Tull - Crest Of A Knave
1987 Canada 10€
Jimi Hendrix - The Singles Album
1983 Netherlands 20€
John Kay & Steppenwolf - Paradox
1984 Canada 15€
John Kay & Steppenwolf - Rock & Roll Rebels
1988 Finland 10€
John Norum - Total Control
1987 Europe 10€
Johnny Lee Michaels Revenge - United States Of Mind
1988 Finland 10€
Jon And Vangelis* - Private Collection
1983 Canada 10€
Jon Butcher - Pictures From The Front
1989 Europe 5€
Joshua - Intense Defense
1988 Europe 15€
Jukebox - Jättiläiset
1989 Finland 5€
Jukebox - Lihavat Päivät
1988 Finland 5€
Jukebox - Ulvoo Rakkautta
1987 Finland 5€
Jukebox - Ulvoo Rakkautta
1987 Finland 5€
Kansas - Power
1986 US 10€
Kanuuna - Kanuuna
1992 Finland 15€
Katmandü - Katmandü
1991 Europe 15€
Keba - Keba
1985 Finland 15€
Killer Dwarfs - Big Deal
1988 US 20€
Kim Lönnholm - Minä Olen Muistanut
1989 Finland 5€
King Kobra - King Kobra III
1988 UK 20€
The Kinks - Hit Singles
1987 UK 15€
Kiss - Animalize
1984 Finland 20€
Kiss - Creatures Of The Night
1982 Germany 30€
Kiss - Killers
1982 Germany 30€
Krokus - Change Of Address
1986 Europe 10€
Krokus - The Blitz
1984 Scandinavia 10€
Kultakuume - Purkkaa
1988 Finland 10€
Kumikameli - Kumikameli
1988 Finland 30€
Last Crack - Sinister Funkhouse
1989 Netherlands 10€
Lone Justice - Shelter
1986 Canada 5€
Loverboy - Lovin' Every Minute Of It
1985 Europe 5€
Loverboy - Wildside
1987 US 5€
Lunta - Pieninä Palasina
1987 Finland 20€
M-80 - M80
1985 Europe 5€
M-80 - Maniac's Revenge
1985 Europe 5€
Magnum - Vigilante
1986 Europe 15€
Magnum - Wings Of Heaven
1988 Europe 15€
Maineeaxe - Shout It Out
1984 Canada 10€
Mäntyniemi* - Mäntyniemi
1992 Finland 20€
Marc Bolan And T. Rex - Best Of The 20th Century Boy
1985 Finland 10€
Max Webster - High Class In Borrowed Shoes
Canada 10€
MC5 - High Time
1985 Europe 25€
Mega (11) - Täältä Tullaan
1987 Finland 15€
Midnight Oil - Diesel And Dust
1987 Europe 20€
Molly Hatchet - Beatin' The Odds
1980 US 10€
Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster
1979 Europe 10€
Mountain - The Best Of Mountain
Canada 10€
Freiheit* - Romancing In The Dark
1987 UK & Europe 10€
Murphy's Law - Murphy's Law
1986 US 40€
Nazareth - Razamanaz
1982 Ireland 10€
Nena - ? (Fragezeichen)
1984 Germany 10€
Neumann, Jussi, Pepe & Jippo - S.E.X
1987 Finland 25€
Paganini - Weapon Of Love
1985 Germany 10€
Pat Travers Band - Crash And Burn
1980 US 10€
Pave Maijanen - Maijanen
1984 Finland 10€
Phil Lynott And Thin Lizzy - The Best Of - Soldier Of Fortune
1987 UK 15€
Picture - Every Story Needs Another Picture
1986 Europe 20€
Picture - Marathon
1988 UK 20€
Pienet Miehet - Pienet Miehet
1989 Finland 15€
The Pink Fairies - Kill 'Em & Eat 'Em
1987 UK 15€
Poliisivaltio - Fuck Your Discos
2006 Germany 15€
Procol Harum - The Collection
1985 Europe 15€
Pyhät Nuket - Kuoleman Sotatanssi
1984 Finland 60€
Queen - A Kind Of Magic
1986 Canada 25€
Quiet Riot - Condition Critical
1984 US 15€
The Quireboys - A Bit Of What You Fancy
1990 Europe 15€
Rajuilma - Rajuilma
1990 Finland 30€
Rauli Badding Somerjoki - Laulajan Taival 2
1988 Finland 25€
Rauli "Badding" Somerjoki* - Siniset Hetket
1986 Finland 25€
Raven - Life's A Bitch
1987 Europe 15€
Reddrum Bop - Reddrum Bop
1987 Finland 30€
REO Speedwagon - A Decade Of Rock And Roll 1970 To 1980
1980 Europe 10€
REO Speedwagon - Best Foot Forward
1985 Europe 5
Robin Trower - Long Misty Days
Canada 10€
Rogue Male - Animal Man
1986 UK 10€
Rumpu - Rumpu
1986 Finland 15€
Sabbat - History Of A Time To Come
1988 Germany 30€
Sacred Reich - Ignorance
1987 Canada 25€
Saga - Time's Up
1986 Germany 5€
Salty Dog - Every Dog Has Its Day
1990 Europe 25€
Samson - Don't Get Mad - Get Even
1984 UK 10€
Säppi - Lintumies
1989 Finland 20€
Sata Lasta - Esikoinen
1987 Finland 10€
Sätkynukke / Kumikristus - Sätkynukke / Kumikristus
1988 Finland 40€
Savatage - Fight For The Rock
1986 Europe 30€
Saxon - Rock The Nations
1986 Europe 10€
Saxon - Strong Arm Metal
1984 UK 10€
The Sensational Alex Harvey Band - SAHB Stories
1984 UK 10€
The Sensational Alex Harvey Band - The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Collection
1986 UK 10€
Sheriff - Sheriff
1982 Canada 10€
Shy - Once Bitten...Twice Shy
1983 UK 15€
Siberia - Valkoinen Vankila
1984 Finland 15€
SIG - Kootut Unelmat
1986 Finland 15€
SIG - Kootut Unelmat
1986 Finland 15€
Skädäm - Mustat Joutsenet
1986 Finland 15€
Slade - The Story Of Slade
1977 Germany 10€
Stalker - Ei Kenenkään Maalla
1985 Finland 15€
Stalker - Kultahiekkaa
1990 Finland 15€
Status Quo - The Collection
1985 UK 10€
Steppenwolf - At Your Birthday Party
1984 Europe 10€
Steppenwolf - Steppenwolf
Scandinavia 10€
Steppenwolf - Steppenwolf
1981 US 10€
Steppenwolf - The Second
Europe 10€
Steve Stevens - Atomic Playboys
1989 Europe 15€
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
1982 Europe 10€
Suzi Quatro - The Suzi Quatro Story - 12 Golden Hits
Europe 15€
The Sweet - Blockbusters
1989 UK & Europe 15€
Sweet* - Desolation Boulevard
1981 Canada 15€
Sweet* - Hard Centres - The Rock Years
1987 UK 10€
The Sweet - The Sweet's Biggest Hits
1985 Europe 10€
Tangier - Four Winds
1989 Germany 10
Ten Years After - Original Recordings Vol 1
1987 UK 10€
Ten Years After - Portfolio
1988 10€
Ten Years After - Positive Vibrations
US 10€
Ten Years After - The Collection
1985 UK 15€
Ten Years After - The Legends Of Rock
1981 Germany 15€
Thunderstick - Feel Like Rock 'n' Roll?
1983 UK 10€
Tko - in your face 10€
Tko - Below the belt 10€
1972 US 15€
Topi Sorsakoski & Agents - Besame Mucho
1987 Finland 25€
Topi Sorsakoski & Agents - Pop
1988 Finland 25€
Torstai 6.12.1917 - Tunnustuksia
1981 Finland 20€
Triumph - Surveillance
1987 Canada 10€
The Troggs - Wild Things
1985 Belgium 10€
Trust - Rock 'N' Roll
1985 Canada 5€
The Tubes - T.R.A.S.H. (Tubes Rarities And Smash Hits)
Canada 10€
Tubes* - The Completion Backward Principle
1985 Europe 5€
The Tubes - Young And Rich
1976 Canada 5€
Tuff Luck - Tuff Luck
1987 US 30€
Tygers Of Pan Tang - Crazy Nights
1981 UK 20€
Tygers Of Pan Tang - The Best Of The Tygers Of Pan Tang
1983 UK 10€
Tygers Of Pan Tang - The Cage
1982 UK 10€
Unkind - Yhteiskunnan Pikkuvikoja
2010 Germany 15€
Urgent - Thinking Out Loud
1987 Canada 5€
Uriah Heep - Head First
1983 UK 15€
Uriah Heep - Return To Fantasy
1983 Germany 15€
Utopia - Oops! Wrong Planet
1987 US 5€
Utopia - POV
1985 US 5€
Utopia - Ra
1987 US 10€
Utopia - The Collection
1988 UK 10€
Vangelis - China = 中國
1983 UK 5€
Vanilla Fudge - Renaissance
1973 Germany 5€
Vanilla Fudge - Vanilla Fudge
1967 Canada 10€
Various - Back On The Road
1988 UK 10€
Various - Bands Of Gold: The Sensational Seventies
1987 UK 5€
1983 Europe 10€
Various - Hotrocks
1987 Finland 5€
Various - Pohjalla
1978 Finland 60€
Various - Smash 3
1988 Finland 5€
Various - Super Hits 2
1987 Finland 5€
VAU!! - Konvehteja Karoliinalle
1982 Finland 20€
Victory - Hungry Hearts
1987 Germany 10€
Vinnie Vincent Invasion - All Systems Go
1988 US 25€
Viva - Dealers Of The Night
1982 Sweden 10€
White Tiger - White Tiger
1986 US 25€
The Who - Who’s Greatest Hits
1983 Canada 10€
Wild Strawberries - Wild Strawberries
1987 UK 35€
Y & T - Contagious
1987 Canada 10€
The Yardbirds - The Yardbirds
1983 UK 10€
The Yardbirds - The Yardbirds Collection
1986 UK & Europe 10€
Zetor - Lihakenkä
1988 Finland 10€
Zodiac Mindwarp & The Love Reaction* - High Priest Of Love
1986 UK 10€
Zodiac Mindwarp And The Love Reaction - Tattooed Beat Messiah
1988 UK & Europe 10€
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