Die Standing From Black Panther to … - Elmer Dixon
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Die Standing
From Black Panther Revolutionary to Global Diversity Consultant
Elmer Dixon
The book is in English
His image-holding a rifle on the steps of Washington's state capitol building-is one of the most iconic photographs from the Black Power Movement.
Elmer Dixon co-founded the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party to provide armed patrols to protect Black people from police beatings and killings. Now, half a century later, Dixon is a popular Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consultant for companies, organizations, and universities around the world.
He shares his remarkable story in DIE STANDING:
From Black Panther Party Revolutionary to Global Diversity Consultant.
"The world is a better place because of the work that Elmer Dixon did as a Black Panther Party leader on the streets and in our communities, and today in corporate boardrooms and on university stages around the world.
I hope that by reading this book, people everywhere will emulate his mission and his model to take action to
create a more just world for all."
-Bobby Seale
Co-Founder and Former Chairman
The Black Panther Party
"Elmer Dixon... is Black; I am white. He fought the police and the system; I was part of maintaining the system. Elmer Dixon and I should have nothing in common, and yet we have everything in common... if Elmer and I can find this common space, then anyone can... form foundations for profound understanding that inspires change for individuals and the collective."
-David Walsh
Former Police Sergeant
Dublin, Ireland
ISBN 978-1-956879-40-7
781956 879407
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