IsoTek virtasuodin Sigmas EVO3
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kuin uusi
Hyvässä kunnossa, tehtaan laatikko, kaapeli ja paperit.
Poistaa sihinät ja kihinät äänestä, bassosta tulee tarkempi, äänikuva focusoituu.
Ovh 3950€.
Tonnin halvemmalla kun Turun ja Tampereen isot myyvät demokoneitaan.
Uusi IsoTek EVO3 Sigmas virtasuodin on mainetta keränneen EVO3 Aquarius suotimen parannettu versio. Aquariuksen tavoin 4 kpl 10A ulostuloa ohjelmalähteille ja 2 kpl 16A enemmän virtaa tarvitseville laitteille kuten päätevahvistin, aktiivikaiutin tai aktiivibasso.
Sigmas on erinomainen tapa parantaa olemassa olevaa laitteistoa.
Suotimen mukana toimitetaan IsoTek Premier virtakaapeli.
Tehtaan kertomaa:
IsoTek's EVO3 Sigmas represents a significant step up from our award winning Aquarius. Sigmas features a lightversion of the Titan's high current Direct Coupled Design technology, allowing for low impedance high current delivery to two dedicated outlets. These are specifically designed for power amplifiers, active loudspeakers or sub woofers.
A further four outlets are dedicated to all other (front end) equipment, CD player, music server, projector, pre-amplifier, etc.
Sigmas is an easy to install full system upgrade, improving a systems sound stage with increased three dimensional imaging, bass articulation and control are also improved, with a sense of extended frequency range and openness.
Housed in a striking steel and machined aluminium chassis, Sigmas is the perfect upgrade for all high quality audio systems.
High current transient ability through the two dedicated high current outlets (16Amps)
Suitable for all audio or AV components
Compact and elegant rack width design
Full system upgrade
Supplied with IsoTek's award winning Premier power cable
Removes both Common Mode and Differential Mode mains noise.
RFI reduction 75dB
Six unique conditioning stages ensure optimal isolation between all outlets. Two high-current outlets incorporate part of Titan's Direct-Coupled© circuit. Four outlets feature IsoTek unique Adaptive Gating© circuit, which auto-senses the load.
LED Display showing voltage and THD distortion of the mains.
KERP© (Kirchoff’s Equal Resistance Path) ensures equal resistance and equal power delivery across all outlets.
108,000A of instantaneous protection.
Internal wiring; solid core silver plated PCOCC with FEP virtually an air dielectric.
Two high-current outlets delivering 3,680W continuous. Four medium-current outlets delivering 2,300W continuous.
Dimensions 445 x 90 x 305mm (W x H x D)
Weight 10
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Viimeksi muokattu: 2.1.2025 klo 19.29 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 16118511
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740 €