Duel Masters kortit
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Kokoelma Duel Masters kortteja, olleet aikanaan käytössä mutta kunto ihan siisti. Sisältää peruskortteja, harvinaisemmat eri ilmoituksessa. Pitkä lista korteista alla. Hintaa saa tarjota haluamistaan, mielellään useampi kerralla ja vaikka joku harvinaisempi toisesta ilmoituksesta samaan pakettiin. Lajiteltu väreittäin ja suunnilleen aakkosjärjestykseen.
Angel Cluster x2
Aqua Agent x4
Aqua Bouncer x3
Aqua Deformer x4
Aqua Fencer x2
Aqua Guard x2
Aqua Jolter x2
Aqua Knight
Aqua Rider
Aqua Shooter x9
Aqua Soldier x3
Aqua Strummer
Aqua Vehicle x4
Battery Cluster x5
Biancus x2
Brain Serum x2
Candy Cluster x4
Candy Drop x2
Cetibols x2
Clone Factory
Corile x6
Crystal Lancer x4
Curious Eye
Eureka Charger x4
Faerie Child
Flood Valve
Fluorogill Manta x3
Fort Megacluster
Frantic Chieftain
Funky Wizard
Grape Globbo x4
Hazard Crawler x4
Hunter Cluster x2
Hunter Fish x4
Hypersquid Walter
Illusion Fish x2
Illusionary Merfolk
Keeper of the Sunlit Abyss x4
Kelp Candle x3
King Coral x3
King Nautilus x2
King Neptas
King Ponitas
Liquid Scope x2
Lurking Eel
Madrillon Fish x2
Marine Flower
Marine Scramble x2
Marinomancer x1
MIdnight Crawler
Milporo x4
Miracle Quest
Mystic Dreamscape
Neon Cluster
Overload Cluster x2
Phantom Fish x3
Promephius Q x3
Prowling Elephish x3
Psychic Shaper
Raptor Fish x2
Recon Operation x5
Revolver Fish x3
Riptide Charger
Scissor eye x6
Scout Cluster
Sea Slug
Shock Hurricane
Shtra x4
Smile Angler
Solidskin Fish
Sopian x3
Spikestrike Ichthys Q x2
Spiral Gate x11
Splash Zebrafish
Split-Head Hydroturtle Q
Stained Glass x6
Steam Star x4
Steel-Turret Cluster
Stinger Ball x4
Submarine Project
Tentacle Cluster x2
Thought Probe
Titanium Cluster
Torpedo Cluster
Trash Crawler x3
Tropico x3
Virtual Tripwire x2
Wave Lance
Zepimeteus x3
Zeppelin Crawler
Adomis the Oracle x2
Alek Solidity Enforcer
Aless the Oracle x2
Amber Grass
Arc Bine the Astounding
Ballas Vizier of Electrons
Ballus Dogfight Enforcer Q x3
Betrale the Explorer
Bex the Oracle
Bingole the Explorer
Bond of Justice
Bulgluf the Spydroid
Calgo Vizier of Rainclouds
Chekicul Vizier of Endurance x4
Chen Treg Vizier of Blades x2
Cosmic Wing
Cosmogold Spectral Knight
Cyclolink Spectral Knight x2
Dava Torey Seeker of Clouds
Diamond Cutter x3
Emerald Grass x3
Flohdani the Spydroid x4
Fonch the Oracle x2
Fu Reil Seeker of Storms x2
Full Defensor
Gallia Zohl Iron Guardian Q
Geoshine Spectral Knight
Glory Snow
Gulan Rias Speed Guardian x3
Holy Awe x2
Iere Vizier of Bullets
Jil Warka Time Guardian
Kaemira the Oracle x3
Kanesill the Explorer x3
Kolon the Oracle x3
La Guile Seeker of Skyfire
La Ura Giga Sky Guardian
Laguna Lightning Enforcer x2
Larba Geer the Immaculate
Laser Whip x2
Lemik Vizier of Thoughts
Lena Vizier of Brilliance x4
Lightning Charger
Lightning Grass
Logic Cube x4
Logic Sphere
Magris Vizier of Magnetism x4
Miele Vizier of Lightning x2
Migalo Vizier of Spycraft x3
Milieus the Daystretcher x2
Miracle Portal x2
Misha Channeler of Suns x2
Moonlight Flash x3
Ouks Vizier of Restoration
Protective Force
Ra Vu Seeker of Lightning x4
Raza Vega Thunder Guardian
Razorpine Tree
Re Bil Seeker of Archery x2
Reso Pacos Clear Sky Guardian x3
Rodi Gale Night Guardian
Rom Vizier of Tendrils x2
Ruby Grass x2
Senatine Jade Tree
Solar Grass x2
Solar Ray x2
Sonic Wing
Sparkle Flower x2
Sphere of Wonder
Spiral Grass
Sundrop Armor x2
Syforce Aurora Elemental
Telitol the Explorer
Toel Vizier of Hope x2
Tra Rion Penumbra Guardian
Ur Pale Seeker of Sunlight x2
Whisking Whirlwind
Wyn the Oracle x4
Yuluk the Oracle
Acid Reflux the Fleshboiler x2
Amber Piercer x2
Baraga Blade of Gloom
Bazooka Mutant
Benzo the Hidden Fury
Black Feather Shadow of Rage
Bloody Squito x7
Bone Assassin the Ripper x2
Bone Piercer x2
Bone Spider x2
Chains of Sacrifice
Chaos Worm x4
Corpse Charger x3
Creeping Plague
Critical Blade x3
Cursed Pincher x2
Dark Reversal x5
Darkpact x2
Death Smoke x7
Dedreen the Hidden Corrupter
Dimension Splitter x3
Eldritch Poison
Future Slash
Gamil Knight of Hatred x2
General Dark Friend
Gezary Undercover Doll x2
Ghost Touch x2
Gigaclaws x4
Gigastand x4
Gigazoul x3
Gnarvash Merchant of Blood
Gray Balloon Shadow of Greed x2
Gregoria Princess of War
Gregorian Worm x2
Grim Soul Shadow of Reversal
Grinning Axe the Monstrosity x4
Grinning Hunger
Hang Worm Fetid Larva x2
Horrid Worm x6
Hourglass Mutant x3
Infernal Command
Jewel Spider
Junkatz Rabid Doll
Lone Tear Shadow of Solitude x5
Might master shadow of decay
Lupa Poison-Tipped Doll
Marrow Ooze the Twister x5
Masked Horror Shadow of Scorn
Mikay Rattling Doll
Mongrel Man x2
Mudman x3
Necrodragon Galbazeek
Necrodragon Giland x6
Necrodragon Izorist Vhal
Necrodragon Zalva
Photocide Lord of the Wastes
Proclamation of Death x4
Poison worm
Purple Piercer x4
Scheming Hands x2
Shadow Moon Cursed Shade
Skeleton Soldier the Defiled
Skeleton Thief the Revealer x2
Skullcutter Swarm Leader
Snake Attack x2
Soul Gulp
Stinger Worm
Swamp Worm x5
Tentacle Worm
Three-Faced Ashura Fang x2
Tyrant Worm
Vacuum Gel
Venom Charger x2
Venom Worm
Volcano Smog Deceptive Shade x3
Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo x3
Wandering Braineater x2
Writhing Bone Ghoul
Zorvaz the Bonecrusher
Aerodactyl Kooza
Armored Cannon Balbaro x2
Armored Decimator Valkaizer
Armored Scout Gestuchar
Armored Walker Urherion
Armored Warrior Quelos
Artisan Picora
Astronaut Skyterror
Baby Zoppe x2
Badlands Lizard
Blasto Explosive Soldier x4
Blaze Cannon
Bolgash Dragon
Boltail Dragon
Bombat General of Speed
Bombersaur x3
Brawler Zyler x3
Bruiser Dragon x2
Burning Power
Burst Shot x3
Cannoneer Bargon
Cavalry General Curatops x3
Chaotic Skyterror
Choya the Unheeding x2
Crimson Hammer
Comet Missile x4
Cratersaur x4
Crisis Boulder
Cyclone Panic
Deadly Fighter Braid Claw x5
Dogarn the Marauder
Energy Charger x2
Engineer Kipo x5
Explosive Dude Joe x7
Explosive Fighter Ucarn x3
Fatal Attacker Horvath x2
Fire Sweeper Burning Hellion x5
Fists of Forever x2
Forced Frenzy
Furious Onslaught x2
Galsaur x4
Gazarias Dragon x4
Hypersprint Warrior Uzesol x2
Immortal Baron Vorg x2
Kamikaze Chainsaw Warrior
Kyrstron Lair Delver x2
Legionnaire Lizard
Magmadragon Melgars x5
Mega Detonator x2
Meteosaur x2
Mezger Commando Leader x2
Migasa Adept of Chaos
Mini Titan Gett x3
Missile Boy
Missile Soldier Ultimo x2
Muramasa Duke of Blades x4
Onslaught Triceps
Otherworldly Warrior Naglu
Phantom Dragon's Flame x3
Picora's Wrench x4
Pyrofighter Magnus x3
Rikabu the Dismantler x2
Rocketdive Skyterror
Rumble gate
Rumblesaur Q x2
Ruthless Skyterror
Siege Roller Bagash
Sword of Malevolent Death
Slaphappy Soldier Galback x2
Snip Striker Bullraizer x2
Spastic Missile x2
Steam Rumbler Kain
Stonesaur x2
Super Explosive Volcanodon x5
Supersonic Jet Pack x2
Torchclencher x4
Tornado Flame x4
Torpedo Skyterror x2
Totto Pipicchi x4
Volcanic Arrows x3
Volcano Charger x3
Wild Racer Chief Garan
Ambush Scorpion x2
Ancient Giant
Ancient Horn the Watcher
Aura Blast
Aurora of Reversal
Bakkra Horn the Silent x4
Barkwhip the Smasher x6
Bliss Totem Avatar of Luck x4
Bloodwing Mantis
Brood Shell x3
Burning Mane x9
Cannon Shell
Cantankerous Giant x3
Carbonite Scarab
Carrier Shell x4
Cavern Raider x2
Clobber Totem
Coiling Vines
Coliseum Shell x3
Copper Locust
Crow Winger x3
Dance of the Sproutlings x2
Dew Mushroom x2
Dome Shell x7
Dracodance Totem x3
Enchanted Soil
Exploding Cactus x3
Faerie Life x8
Fear Fang x5
Feather Horn the Tracker x3
Fever Nuts
Forest Hornet x2
Freezing Icehammer x2
Garabon the Glider
Golden Wing Striker x2
Illusory Berry x3
Launch Locust x2
Leaping Tornado Horn x5
Mana Crisis x4
Masked Pomegranate
Mighty Bandit Ace of Thieves x2
Mighty Shouter x3
Moon Horn x2
Mulch Charger
Muscle Charger x3
Mystic Inscription
Mystic Treasure Chest
Pangaea's Song x2
Pangaea's Will
Paradise Horn x2
Poisonous Dahlia x2
Popple Flowerpetal Dancer x4
Pouch Shell x3
Raging Dash-Horn x2
Rainbow Stone x4
Roar of the Earth x2
Rumbling Terahorn x2
Sabermask Scarab
Scissor Scarab
Scowling Tomato x2
Senia Orchard Avenger x3
Silver Axe x8
Silver Fist x3
Silvermoon Trailblazer
Slumber Shell x2
Sniper Mosquito x3
Solid Horn
Sporeblast Erengi
Stampeding Longhorn
Steel Smasher x2
Storm Shell
Sword Butterfly x6
Sword of Benevolent Life x2
Tangle Fist the Weaver
Terradragon Gamiratar x2
Terradragon Regarion x6
Three-Eyed Dragonfly x3
Trench Scarab x2
Tri-horn Shepherd x2
Ultimate Force x3
Vine Charger
Aqua SKydiver x2
Buzz Betocchi
Estol Vizier of Aqua x4
Melnia the Aqua Shadow
Sanfist the Savage Vizier
Soderlight the Cold Blade
Tajimal Vizier of Aqua x4
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