Qwan mangat 1-4 englanniksi
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Myydään Qwan mangat 1-4 yhteishintaan 18 euroa. Mangat ovat englanniksi. Hyväkuntoisia niin etukansista kuin sisältäkin, mutta sivut eivät ole enää vitivalkoiset, kuten tuoreprintissä. Kansien reunoissa ja pinnoissa oleva kuluma on pääosin hyvin pientä, mutta Qwan 4 takakannessa ja Qwan 1:sen kansien reunassa on selkeitä kulumajälkiä.
En myy mangoja yksittäin.
Nouto Espoonlahden Lippulaivasta, Espoo. Postituskin onnistuu.
Qwan 1 takakannen kuvaus:
"In the era of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the fall of the Han Dynasty in Ancient China, a strange boy Qwan and his winged companion Teikou are on a quest. In order to find his purpose and the truth of his existence, Qwan is told that he needs to find the holy text, the Essential Arts of Peace. During his journey, he sucks in the body of demons, apparently as his meals. Will this super-strong demon eater locate the texts and discover his destiny? In the mystical lands of ancient China, where magical beings are a part of everyday life, Qwan is a strange boy who can devour demons and absorb their power. However, he's looking for more than a quick bite. Qwan's quest is to find the sutra known as the Essential Arts of Peace, which will ultimately reveal the purpose and truth to his existence!"
Qwan 2 takakannen kuvaus:
"The search for the Essential Arts of Peace is a dangerous and deadly affair. Betrayal upon betrayal surrounds Qwan; Daki, sent by Yuushi to stop Qwan, has agreed to lead him to the sutra. Yuushi, who also wants the sutra, is furious and drives Daki's mother to ambush Qwan! Can Qwan get to the Essential Arts of Peace in time?"
Qwan 3 takakannen kuvaus:
"As Chikei and Aman await signs of Qwan's recovery, Daki returns to the bug forest in an attempt to save it. Meanwhile, Yuushi finds that the aristocrat Joukai now possesses the Essential Arts of Peace. Who is Joukai really, and what is his connection to the scroll? More surprises await as we learn of Shaga's connection to Qwan, journey to the land of Qwan's origin...and meet the author of the Essential Arts of Peace, who has the power to explain it all!"
Qwan 4 takakannen kuvaus:
"In the world of the immortals, just as he discovers that his purpose is the cleansing of people from earth, Qwan has his powers stolen away from him. Ukitsu manages to save Qwan’s life and send Shaga and him back to Earth, however Ukitsu’s own fate is uncertain... Back on Earth, Shaga and Qwan must face off against the Yellow Turban rebellion. Will Qwan's power return before war is waged against rise back to power? "
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