New Willow Blu-ray (1988) - FREE SHIPPING
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Kunto: Uusi
George Lucas Production
George Lucas Tuotanto
NEW Willow -Blu-ray (1988)
Finnish title of the film:
Elokuvan suomenkielinen nimi:
Willow - Suuri Seikkailu
Enter the world of "Willow." Journey to
the far corners of your imagination, to a
land of myth and magic, where dream
and reality live side by side... to a place
that never existed, a time that never was.
It is a world where a young man named
Willow lives out an adventure that explo-
des beyond the boundaries of his own
hopes and fears.
Director Ron Howard's Willow is the stuff
of good fantasy adventure. At once an
epic celebration and a gentle spoof of
the sword-and-sorcery genre, the film
concerns the efforts by little person Wil-
low Ufgood to protect a sacred infant
from the machinations of a wicked queen.
Executive producer George Lucas has
added elements of his own Star Wars
saga to the stew.
The film is a well-conceived and well-
executed quest fairy tale borrowing hea-
vily from Gulliver's Travels, among ot-
hers. Although seemingly a children's
film, it is not without its share of violence,
gore, and ghastly monsters, all provided
by executive producer George Lucas'
Industrial Light & Magic special-effects
Kahdella Oscar-ehdokkuudella huomioi-
tu fantasiaseikkailu perustuu Star Wars
-saagan luojan George Lucasin alkupe-
räistarinaan. Tarina käynnistyy, kun vas-
tasyntynyt Alora päätyy kääpiökylässä
asuvan maanviljelijä Willow Ufgoodin kä-
siin. Mies päättää etsiä käsiinsä lapsen
vanhemmat ja saa taustatuekseen soturi
Madmartiganin (Val Kilmer).
"Forget all you know.
Or you think you know."
"A world where heroes come in all sizes
and adventure is the greatest magic of
Directed by: Ron Howard
Starring: Val Kilmer
Year Of Release: 1988
Running Time: 2 h 5 min.
Fantasy adventure
Underdogs, heroic, mission
journey of self-discovery
Apprentice bodyguard fairy little-people
good-vs-evil, queen [royalty], quest
sorcerer, sword-and-sorcery, troll
5.1 English DTS-HD Master Audio
Please Note !
- NO Finnish subtitles !
- English subtitles ONLY !
! Huom !
- EI suomenkielisiä tekstejä !
- VAIN englanninkieliset tekstit !
Rating: - 12 or Older -
Region Code: B (Europe)
Lucasfilm, Imagine Entertainment
NEW blu-ray comes in shrinkwrap.
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