Fantasia- ja scifikirjoja (englanninkielisiä pokkareita, Asimov, Brooks...)
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Aaronovitch, Ben: Rivers of London book 1: Rivers of London (8 €)
Aaronovitch, Ben: Rivers of London book 3: Whispers Under Ground (8 €)
Abercrombie, Joe: First Law: Heroes, the (8 €)
Aldiss, Brian: Helliconia book 3: Helliconia Winter (6 €)
Asimov, Isaac: Foundation book 1: Foundation (8 €)
Asimov, Isaac: Foundation book 2: Foundation and Empire (8 €)
Asimov, Isaac: Foundation book 3: Second Foundation (8 €)
Asimov, Isaac: I, Robot (5 €)
Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn: Catwoman (5 €)
Baxter, Stephen: Stone Spring (8 €)
Bear, Greg: Second Foundation trilogy, the book 2: Foundation and Chaos (7 €)
Brin, David: Second Foundation trilogy, the book 3: Foundation's Triumph (7 €)
Brin, David: Uplift book 1: Sundiver (6 €)
Brin, David: Uplift book 3: Uplift War, the (6 €)
Brin, David: Uplift Storm book 2: Infinity's Shore (6 €)
Brooks, Terry: Magic Kingdom of Landover book 3: Wizard at large (6 €)
Brooks, Terry: Shannara book 1: Sword of Shannara, the (6 €)
Brooks, Terry: Shannara book 2: Elfstones of Shannara, the (6 €)
Brooks, Terry: Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, the book 1: Ilse Witch (6 €)
Brooks, Terry: Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, the book 2: Antrax (6 €)
Brooks, Terry: Word & Void book 2: Knight of the Word, a (6 €)
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Kirjapaketti( Mars 1: Princess of Mars , Mars 6: Master Mind of Mars, Pellucidar book 02: Pellucidar, 10 €)
Butcher, Jim: Codex Alera book 2: Academ's Fury (6 €)
Butcher, Jim: Dresden Files book 03: Grave Peril (6 €)
Butcher, Jim: Dresden Files book 11: Turn Coat (6 €)
Butcher, Jim: Dresden Files book 12: Changes (6 €)
Tchaikovsky, Adrian: Echoes of the Fall book 3: Hyena and the Hawk, the (6 €)
Thorpe, Gav: Crown of the Blood & Crown of the Conqueror (6 €)
Turtledove, Harry: Worldwar book 1: In the Balance (5 €)
Turtledove, Harry: Worldwar book 2: Tilting the Balance (5 €)
Weber, David: Dahak book 2: Armageddon Inheritance, the (6 €)
Weeks, Brent: Night Angel trilogy book 1: Way of Shadows, the (6 €)
Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy: Darksword trilogy (10 €)
Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy: Rose of the Prophet trilogy (10 €)
Willingham, Bill: Peter & Max: Fables novel, a (8 €)
Englanninkielisiä pokkareita (tai isoja pehmeäkantisia), kunto vaihtelee kohtuullisesta uudenveroiseen (katso kuvat, tarvittaessa kysy tarkennuksia).
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