Kirja - An Eye for a Dog: Illustrated Guide to Judging Purebred Dogs
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Oletko koskaan miettinyt, kuinka näyttelytuomarit oppivat tunnistamaan hienovaraiset erot, jotka erottavat vain hyvän koiran erinomaisesta? Nyt voit kehittää omaa silmääsi äänen liikkeelle ja rakenteelle ja oppia kuinka merkinnät, koko ja jopa talutushihnan asento vaikuttavat tuomarin käsitykseen. Koiran silmä - Kuvitettu opas puhdasrotuisten koirien arvosteluun pääset osallistumaan aktiivisesti yli 100 arvosteluun. skenaariot, jotka ovat samankaltaisia kuin mitä tuomari kohtaa näyttelykehässä.
Have you ever wondered how dog show judges learn to identify the subtle differences that separate a dog that is merely good from a dog that is outstanding?
Now you can develop your own eye for sound movement and structure and learn how markings, size, and even leash position affect the judge's perception In An Eye for a Dog - Illustrated Guide to Judging Purebred Dogs you will get to actively participate in over 100 judging scenarios similar to what a judge encounters in the show ring.
Become familiar with:
-The concepts of breed type, balance, and proportion.
-How to evaluate fronts, toplines, the forechest, and sickle hocks.
-How canine trotting styles vary by breed and breed function.
-How to spot hidden faults-and how they can be masked.
-International breed differences.
Dog breeders, dog owners, "armchair" judges as well as professionals will enjoy the challenge of testing their dog-knowledge and powers of observation against those of author, illustrator, international all-breed judge Robert W. Cole.
Here's what AKC Judges say about An Eye for a Dog An artist, an anatomist, an author, a respected international all-breed judge and most importantly, a teacher. Bob Cole is a judge who not only verbalizes but writes and illustrates his interpretations of breed Standards. Every week in his syndicated column, he engages in this "reckless" behavior, raising the ire of some while at the same time educating many. A tip of the hat to one of the dog world's most knowledgeable and outspoken benefactors
Gerald Schwartz, Contributing Editor "Dog News"
Robert Cole's work inspires the reader to think and compare. Having what's right and what's wrong put down in crystal clear images allows the breeder and exhibitor to make those critical comparisons that pave the way for understanding and improvement. A must for everyone who has an eye on the prize.
Richard G. Beauchamp, Author, Solving the Mysteries of Breed Type and The Simple Guide to Showing Your Dog
A quick reference to all that the eye sees on first glancing at the purebred dog. This new book will be a must in every Dog Person's Library.
Anne Rogers-Clark, Author, Annie...On Dogs
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