Edible Perennial Gardening: Growing Successful Polycultures in Small Spaces
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Anni Kelsey:
Edible Perennial Gardening: Growing Successful Polycultures in Small Spaces
Permanent Publications, 2014, 176 pages, soft cover
good condition (hyväkuntoinen)
Price: 8,00 EUR
Delivery by Posti or pickup from Mankkaa Espoo
This book explains everything you need to know to grow a low maintenance edible polyculture.
Do you dream of a low maintenance perennial garden that is full to the brim of perennial vegetables that you don't have to keep replanting, but only have a small space?
Do you struggle with too little time for gardening or controlling the pests and diseases that eat your crops? Do you want to grow unusual vegetable varieties?
You can do all of this with Edible Perennial Gardening. Anni Kelsey has meticulously researched the little known subject of edible perennials and selected her favourite, tasty varieties.
She explains how to source and propagate different vegetables, which plants work well together in a polyculture, and what you can plant in small, shady or semi-shady beds as well as in sunny areas.
gardening permaculture permakulttuuri
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