Marshall Vian Summers: The One God
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kohtalainen
Marshall Vian Summers: The One God
ISBN: 9781942293101
Kustantaja: The Society for the New Message
Kieli: Englanti
Painovuosi: 2016
Sivumäärä: 159.
Sidonta: Nidottu, pehmeäkantinen.
Kunto: Tyydyttävä.
Muuta: Kansissa kulumaa ja nuhruisuutta, etenkin nurkissa.
"The One God is a book of Revelation given by the Creator of all life to the human family through the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers. Here God is revealing the greater reality of the Divine Presence, both in our world and within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe. This opens the next chapter in the progressive Revelation of God's Reality, Will and Purpose for the human family as it now stands at the threshold of great change and instability in the world. The One God is the second book of Volume 1 of the New Message from God. The One God contains 12 individual revelations, each given at different times and places during the Messenger's journeys in the world. The Messenger has now compiled these revelations into this united text. The One God is a book of many teachings. It teaches us to go beyond our concepts and beliefs about God in order to explore our own experience of the presence and mystery of the Divine reality in our lives. It teaches us that, both in our world and throughout the universe, God redeems the separated through Knowledge-the spiritual intelligence and power that God has placed within each of us to guide, protect and lead us to a greater life of purpose and relationship."
"Marshall Vian Summers (born January 28, 1949) is an American religious leader and spiritual teacher who offers retreats, online broadcasts and events in the United States and abroad. He is the author of numerous books and podcasts, and is the founder of The Society for the New Message, a religious nonprofit organization established in 1992 which supports and makes available his books and teachings. He is the central figure within a new religious movement with an emphasis on the implications of exotheology for human evolution. His followers with him designate themselves the Worldwide Community of the New Message from God. His books are the basis for their beliefs and guiding principles, which break down categorically into warnings of extreme change and outside threat; and gifts of spiritual blessing[9] and preparation[10] for living in a world in decline."
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