Peeters & Levy: Sandcastle
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Kuin uusi
Frederik Peeters & Pierre Oscar Lévy: Sandcastle
ISBN: 9781906838386
Kustantaja: Self Made Hero
Kieli: Englanti
Painovuosi: 2011
Sivumäärä: 111.
Sidonta: Sidottu, kovakantinen.
Kunto: Erinomainen.
"The inspiration for Old, a Blinding Edge Pictures production, directed and produced by two-time Oscar nominee M. Night Shyamalan, from his screenplay based on the graphic novel Sandcastle by Pierre Oscar Lévy and Frederik Peeters. The movie is scheduled to be released July 23, 2021.
Its a perfect beach day, or so thought the family, young couple, a few tourists, and a refugee who all end up in the same secluded, idyllic cove filled with rock pools and sandy shore, encircled by green, densely vegetated cliffs.
But this utopia hides a dark secret.
First there is the dead body of a woman found floating in the crystal-clear water.
Then there is the odd fact that all the children are aging rapidly. Soon everybody is growing olderevery half hourand there doesnt seem to be any way out of the cove. Levys dramatic storytelling works seamlessly with Peeterss sinister art to create a profoundly disturbing and fantastical mystery.
Praise for Sandcastle:
"Sandcastle truly inspired my film Old. It is a profound mystery, sci-fi graphic novel that is illustrated so beautifully and with such humanity. Its themes of aging had me thinking about my parents and children and how quickly it all goes by. From the moment I read this I was changed. -- M. Night Shyamalan
Begins like a murder mystery, continues like an episode of The Twilight Zone, and finishes with a kind of existentialism that wouldnt be out of place in a Von Trier film. Publishers Weekly, starred review
Sandcastle is a fast 112-page read you won't be able to put down. Cleveland.com
Peeters and Lévy convey some profound, if profoundly unsubtle, truths about the human condition. Weighty stuff, expertly told. The Comics Bulletin
Shyamalan adapted his disquieting tale from the graphic novel Sandcastle, by the French writer Pierre Oscar Lévy and the Swiss illustrator Frederik Peeters. As is frequently the case with French-produced bandes dessinées, Sandcastle is a stark existentialist parable.New York Times"
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