Wild West Detective (Radio Archives 5 CD)
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Kotelo kunnossa ja levyt ok.- Westerni
A Black Horse Western.-
Rance Dehner, an operative for the Lowrie Detective Agency, pursues a wanted killer to the small town of Hardin, Texas. After bringing down the killer in a gunfight, Dehner discovers the gunslick was in town to murder Leona Carson, a penniless 14-year-old girl with a baby.
Dehner cannot understand why anyone would employ a gun for hire to kill Leona, and finding the answer to that question throws him into a whirlwind of violent encounters. Soon he must dodge bullets from an onslaught of professional killers, while uncovering the shameful secrets of Hardin’s leading citizens.
James Clay I consider myself blessed to have been a kid at a time when, while there was a TV in the house, radio's "golden age" hadn't totally vanished. Hopalong Cassidy and The Lone Ranger came at me through both mediums. I devoured Fran Striker's Lone Ranger novels and wish those fine books were easily available today.
About the time I began reading Ray Hogan and Lewis Patten, I noticed a difference in the radio and TV versions of Gunsmoke. Radio's Dodge City was a much darker place. Both versions gave me some early lessons in story telling.
I toiled for years as a literary agent, but my heart remained in the old West. I began writing western novels to prove I didn't always have to live off the work of other people. Playing cowboy is one of the few skills I have honed well.
I remain blessed. I have a wonderful wife and two cats, all of whom are very patient with me. I now write westerns full time and enjoy reading other western writers, both past and present. And yes, the radio and TV versions of Gunsmoke are still giving me lessons in story telling.
Milton Bagby is a veteran radio announcer and voiceover specialist who first turned to audiobooks in 2010. Since then, Milton has worked on over two dozen audiobook projects as a narrator or producer. Drawing upon years of stage acting and the occasional bit part in films, Milton uses his experience to create characters that stand out in the ear of the listener.
“I am very much aware that a perfect stranger is going to invest eight or ten hours listening to me tell a story. I do my best to give the listener an experience in which the characters in that story come alive and sound real.”
When not behind a microphone, Milton is a writer. In addition to the well-received Rick Burkhart crime novels, Milton writes a line of 1950s style pulp stories, and is the author of dozens of magazine articles and two non-fiction books. Milton and his wife live in Nashville.-
Asiasanat: radio. radiokuunnelma, radiotarina, länkkäri, western, lännentarina, äänikirja, audio book, kuunnelma, lännenelokuva, seikkailu, radiodraama, radio-ohjelma, cowboy, revolveri, matkailu, palkkionmetsästäjä, sankari, seikkailuelokuva, villi länsi, radioesitys, ääninäyttelijä, jännitys, draama, saluuna, Wild West, aikakausi, 1800-luku, tarinankerronta, viihde, kulttiklassikko, klassinen radio-ohjelma, western, ammuskelu, mysteeri, seikkailuelokuvan ääniraita, radion kultakausi, ratsastus, taistelu, valkoinen hattu, musta hattu, ritarikoodi, moraalinen dilemma, oikeus, epäoikeudenmukaisuus, villin lännen eetos, kunnia, seikkailujen sarja, tarinat, ystävyys, palkinto, arvoitus, salaperäisyys, kostaminen, kovaotteinen, rehti, palkkionmetsästys, selviytyminen, toiminta, pelastustehtävä, oikeudenmukaisuuden puolesta, ritarimainen, radioesityksen äänitehosteet, rohkeus, seikkailunhalu, jännitysnäytelmä, karismaattinen hahmo, unohdettu aikakausi, rohkea pelastus, konflikti, viholliset, tunnettu lännenelokuva, radion kulttiklassikko, ikoninen hahmo, jäljittelemätön, legendaarinen sarja, perinteinen villin lännen tarina
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