Game Boy Color Disney's Tarzan
Tuotteen kuvaus
Kunto: Hyvä
Alusta: Muut pelit
Peli testattu ja toimii kuin rasvattu liaani. Ohjekirjaan ei ole koskettu eli se on erinomaisessa kunnossa. Laatikon päälle on istunut 800-kiloinen gorilla, mutta pienellä puuhastelulla sen saa varmaan virkoamaan.
Google: 91% piti tästä videopelistä
IGN: 8/10 "Activision's Tarzan does Disney blockbuster movie justice on every level."
Activision's much hyped first Game Boy Color-dedicated title is finally here: Tarzan, based on 1999's animated Disney feature (which was in turn based on Edgar Rice Burrough's classic tale). Whereas most movie-licensed games tend to fall flat on their face and bear little resemblance to the material that inspired them, Tarzan on the Game Boy does the enjoyable Disney movie justice in every way. Programmed and designed by the small California development house Digital Eclipse, the Color-only cart pushes the envelope in both the graphics and sound department and has solid gameplay mechanics to boot.
23 stages.
Play as different characters from the Disney movies.
Digitized drum beats.
"FMV" Scenes.
Two-player hide and seek mode.
Supports Game Boy Printer.
Password Saving.
Only for Game Boy Color.
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Viimeksi muokattu: 4.9.2024 klo 17.14 ・ Ilmoituksen tunnus: 8106603
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385 €